Chapter 3

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Today the outfit I selected was to solely spite my mother

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Today the outfit I selected was to solely spite my mother. But as I got dressed I couldn't help but feel confident as I give myself a twirl after wearing my second favourite black pumps.

The outfit stuck to my skin as the leopard-printed top with a hoop in the centre paired up with my short jeans exposed enough skin to make my mother faint. But something was missing in my outfit and I go through my wardrobe again, just when my eyes land on the Gucci belt and Louis Vuttion bag I pause and smile to myself and take them out.

Once I get ready I apply a final coating of my red lipstick and smack my lips together throwing the lipstick back in my bag. I left my hair in waves which flew around as I bounced my way to the living room. I can't wait for her to send me back to Boston.

As I stopped in front of my mother and kissed her knowing that it would stain her precious cheek. She glares at me as she wipes it away and as expected her jaw drops when she drops her eyes to my outfit. "Charlotte Allen, change that dress" she shrieks and I roll my eyes as I pick an apple out of the fruit tray.

"I will not." I smile and munch on it as fumes come out of her ears. "You can always send me back to Boston if you don't like it." I shrug.

"I was not the one who wanted you here. Your father insisted on you being her when I've already told him that there was no reason to follow some stupid old tradition. It's not like you are going to pass either way. And if you want to go around dressing like a slut, I'm not going to stop you. Do whatever you want." with that, she leaves the kitchen as some of the old cooks throw pitiful glances at me.

Her words sting even when they shouldn't. I know I wasn't wanted here and I know that I was not good at studies. I didn't have ADHD or anything else but I was simply weak in studies and being called out by her sucked but what hurt even more was being called a slut by my mother.

I look up as I contain the tears brimming in my eyes. "You're not going to waste any of your tears on her anymore," I tell myself as I take my bag and get out of the house.

I take my father's Rimac Nevera just to annoy him and take off to my university. I am sure Noah and Emily were also studying here but they would be in their sophomore year and me in the freshman because I missed one year of university as I spent the time of my life in rehab.

I know that all the eyes were on me once I stepped out of the car and walked my way through the hallways of the elite Da Vinci High, now I understand why this is one of the most precious universities in the world. The tall walls around me and the chandeliers hanging gave me a vibe of a palace. The statue outside and the whole university itself was beautifully crafted. The crowded hallway of students parts as I walk to the dean's cabinet.

Whispers as usual pass my ears but I don't mind them, I've got used to them. Once I reach the door I don't bother to knock as I enter. The dean, Sahara Young was one of the adult figures I genuinely respected. She raises her brows as I take a seat in front of her and cross my legs. "I've been expecting you Charlotte." she smiles kindly at me.

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