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Namjoons pov:

I woke up and felt an arm around me I looked to see it was yoongi. I smiled and kissed his head. I slowly wiggled out of his grip and walked to my room. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my notebook. I started writing more music I know some time soon I'm going to publish all of my songs but now's not the time. I was writing A new song named Wild Flower. After a few hours of me writing I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" Jin taehyung and Jimin all walked into my room

"What do you need"  I didn't look up from my notebook

"We wanted to apologize.. we know it's not your fault for yoongi leaving us." I looked up at Jin

"Mhm but why are you apologizing now?"

"We just feel bad. We put you through so much shit and it's time we apologize" taehyung was looking down as he said that

"Why is Jimin here?"

"So they don't try to hurt you"

"Right. Well I accept your apology. Please don't mess this up. I trust you guys"

"We won't mess up we promise" Jin and taehyung said at the same time

"Thank you" Jin walked over and sat next to me

"You're planning on publishing your music right?"


"I have a company that will take you in a heartbeat"

"Who is it?"

"Model music they're good for getting small Artists off the ground."

"I think I've heard of them before "

"So what do you say? You wanna go with me to the company "

"That sounds nice yeah "

"Alright cool let me know when you're ready "

"Will do thanks Jin " they all walked out of the room and I quickly got dressed. I grabbed my notebook then walked out of my room. I quickly put my shoes on and waited for Jin. A few minutes later he walked out of his room dressed up really nice

"Let's go namjoon"

"Ok!" Jin grabbed the car keys and we went to the model music building. We pulled up and went to the main room. The receptionist asked us what we needed and Jin explained everything.

"We'll be right with you gentlemen"

"Thank you"

"Of course and good luck" I nodded and we waited for about 10 minutes then we were told to enter the room. I looked at Jin and he could tell I was nervous

"You're going to be fine namjoon just play your one song then give them the lyrics for your other songs"

"Ok.." we walked inside and saw 3 people. 2 guys and 1 girl.

"You're Kim namjoon correct?"

"Yes ma'am "

"It's nice to meet you. Let's hear what you've got " I pulled out my phone and played the song we worked on in the studio. After the song ended I handed them the lyrics for Lonely and Wild Flower

"You're very talented namjoon" she smiled and the others nodded

"We'll call you if you got in. Then we'll publish your music together"

"Thank you so much sir"

"Have a good day namjoon"

"You as well" me and Jin left the room and I sighed in relief

fallen for the gang leader. (Kim namjoon x Min yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now