did they call?

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Namjoons pov:

I woke up and grabbed my phone. I looked at yoongis sleeping figure and I quickly took a picture. I walked to my room and grabbed clothes I went to the bathroom to start the water. I waited for the water in the bath to heat up. After the water was a comfortable temperature I got in and put on some music. I closed my eyes and started falling asleep. I heard my phone ring so I answered it quickly


"Hello. May I talk to Kim namjoon"

"That's me"

"Ah alright Mr. Kim we want to inform you that we all loved your music and we would like to start a contract with you"

"Wait really?!"

"Yes sir"

"With pleasure! When do you need me"

"Is 4 pm okay?"

"That's fine thank you "

"Have a wonderful day. We'll see you here later"

"Yes thank you " I hung up and squealed like I was a high school girl when her crush walks by. After a few more minutes I got out of the bath and got dressed. I opened the door and saw yoongi standing there

"What happened? I heard a noise"

"I'll tell you privately. I want it to be a surprise for everyone else."

"Alright I guess " I took his hand and we walked to his room. He shut the door and I sat on his bed

"So what happened?"

"They called back and want me to sign a contract!" Yoongis face lit up and he hugged me

"Congratulations namjoon "

"Thank you I'm really excited"

"What's going to be your name?"


"Isn't that your code name?"

"Yeah but I really like it. I mean if I'm not allowed I can stay as namjoon "

"You do whatever you think is best"

"I'll be RM and for missions it could be rap monster or Kim n"

"Alright if that's what you want" I hugged yoongi again and kissed his head

"When are you going to tell the others?"

"Later today probably after I go to sign "

"When are you doing that?"

"4. I was wondering if you could go with me "

"Of course. We'll tell the others we went out for an hour."

"Thanks yoongi"

"Of course baby " I kissed him and got up. I walked to the kitchen and saw Jin eating a bowl of rice with some meat.

"Morning Jin"

"Morning namjoon " I sat next to him

"How have you been?"

"Fine I'm a little upset I didn't get to fight as much as I would've liked to. I never get to fight I'm just a doctor "

"Yoongi wants me in the back lines so I'll be the doctor. I mean you might be as well but you should talk to him about it"

"Yeah maybe you're right. I'll talk to him later "

"Alright " Jin went back to eating his food. I pulled out my phone and put my music on quietly. I was humming to the beat and mumbling the lyrics.

fallen for the gang leader. (Kim namjoon x Min yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now