stage names

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Jins pov:

After I heard a crash in the other room I ran over and heard yoongi yelling. After we got the bookshelf up yoongi calmed down a little and went back to the kitchen I walked back to the room where we all were besides Yoongi and namjoon. I sat down and everyone looked at me

"What happened?"

"A bookshelf fell over. Nothing too serious"

"Did anyone get hurt?" Jimin and Jungkook asked


"Good..." Jimin sighed in relief

"We have to make stage names. Do any of you guys have ideas?"

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone"

"Yeah maybe you're right tae. Let's go to the living room " I got up and walked to the living room. The others followed like little ducklings. We all sat down as yoongi put the food in the oven. He walked over and sat on the couch. After a few minutes namjoon came out with his hair wet and without a shirt.

"Wait why are you guys all in here?"

"Because we want to talk. All of us"

"Is it a serious problem?"

"No it's just stage names and rolls"I said

"Oh alright " namjoon sat on the floor and smiled.

"I was thinking about if some of us use our code names."I looked at yoongi I couldn't read his face..

"That's a fine idea. We'll just be careful" my eyes widened when yoongi agreed

"Everyone choose the name you would like" everyone nodded and we started thinking

"I'll go by rap monster or rm"

"I'll stick to Jin"

"Me too I'll be Jimin"

"Jungkook is definitely mine"

"V is a suiting name but I won't be mad if I'm called tae or taehyung"

"I'm j-hope for sure!"

"I have 3 names to choose from."

"Let's hear your options yoongs"

"August D yoongi and suga" we all went quiet as we were thinking. Namjoon was the first to say something

"I like suga it has a nice ring to it"

"Then Suga it is"

"Wait namjoon did you sign us all up for the contract?" I asked

"No but we have an appointment later today " we all looked at him and he sunk down in his seat

"How did you know that we'd all join" taehyung raised his eyebrow

"I was going on a gut feeling "

"Well we're glad you did"

"What time is the appointment " I asked

"At 3pm"

"Namjoon it's 2:30" he shot up

"It is?!"

"Yeah.. everyone get ready we're leaving" everyone ran to their rooms besides me and taehyung. We were all ready dressed and ready. After a few minutes everyone came to the living room.

"We should leave now so we don't deal with bad traffic" Jungkook said and we all agreed

"Good idea kookie" yoongi grabbed his car keys and j-hope did the same. We split up 4 of us in j-hopes car and 3 in yoongis. Jimin, me and taehyung were in the car with j-hope. The others were in yoongis car. We all got in and started driving to Model music.

A few minutes later:

We got to the place 10 minutes before our appointment. Namjoon checked us in and we sat in the waiting room together. When the time came a lady came out and called us into the room. We walked in and she looked at namjoon and j-hope.

"You're both part of our company correct?" J-hope nodded

"Yes but we would like to make a band of all of us"

"We'll see what we can do about that"

"Thank you ma'am" namjoon smiled. We had normal interview questions but soon it went to the music.

"I heard all of you make your own music?" We nodded and she smiled

"May I hear some" Jungkook played his song euphoria and we played our songs after. She seemed impressed and she wrote some things down.

"We will get back to you as soon as possible." 

"Thank you."

"Of course now have a wonderful day" we left the room and looked at each other

"Do you guys think she liked us?" I asked

"We did everything right so I don't see why she wouldn't " yoongi made a good point... Yeah he's right we need to stay positive.

"Let's go home guys" yoongi smiled and j-hope stopped us from moving and gave us puppy dog eyes

"Can we get something to eat first" we all laughed and yoongi nodded

"Of course hobi"

"Yes!" We went back to the cars and we went to the same restaurant dae worked at. We were sat in her section so she would be the one serving us.

Yoongis pov:

We sat down and looked at the menu. Everyone besides me and j-hope got some sort of alcoholic beverage. J-hope got sprite and I had a coke we enjoyed ourselves.

"Guys guys I just realized something" Jimin spoke and we all looked at him

"Who's going to be the leader of our group" I looked at them and lifted my hand

"I have an idea" everyone had their eyes on me

"How about namjoon. He's the one that brought us all together he's the person making this happen so he deserves it" I looked at him and smiled

"You really want me to be the leader?"

"Of course joon you're great at things like this. It's thanks to you for having us join the band"

"Yoongis right! Namjoon can you be our leader?" Jimin and Jungkook were excited

"I'd be honored to be your leader" taehyung lifted his glass

"To namjoon!"

"To namjoon indeed!" We all said and clinked our glasses together. We ordered our food and ate namjoon talked to dae for a few minutes before we left. I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying but I'm sure it wasn't anything bad. We all went home and relaxed.

3 hours later

Namjoon ran into the room everyone else was in

"Guys!" I looked up from my phone and looked at him

"What is it?" Jimin got up and walked over to namjoon

"We were accepted! We're officially a part of model music!" Everyone cheered and we hugged. After a few seconds we pulled away and started talking

"We need to make songs for all of us" tae mumbled

"Already had that covered. I wrote a song that we can use" namjoon thought of everything. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through a song called 'No More Dream' the lyrics are pretty good I'm excited to see what happens to us when we get big.

A/n: hiii well the next chapter will be a time skip one. I'm almost done with this book thank you for reading this far

fallen for the gang leader. (Kim namjoon x Min yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now