I'm a product of my woe

732 13 11

Enid's POV:

"Enid, can I have a word with you?"

Maths. It's only been a lesson and I'm already falling behind on work. I probably wouldn't have been so pessimistic about this situation if I hadn't had splinters all over the soles of my feet from last night. Even worse, Mr Robinson is basically an AI put into Nevermore to make us all into robotic freaks. Can you believe he made us do a pop quiz and seated us from best scoring to worst scoring on the first day? What is this, a dystopic novel?

Everyone leaves the room to have their next lesson. While I'd normally be in school council, Weems insisted that I went to my therapy session. At least the talk I'm about to have with Mr Robinson will delay my time.

"Enid. I looked at your grades last semester. You had some of the highest grades in maths. How have you gone from an A to a C in three months?"

"It's called puberty, Sir."

"I don't have the time for your attitude, Enid."


"I know you have the potential to go to some of America's greatest colleges. Why are you throwing that all away?"

"Because I don't want to go to some of America's greatest colleges! I don't even like maths! I'm only in this class because I legally have to be-"

"Then you might aswell work to the best of your ability. What good is your knowledge if you're wasting it sitting at the back of the class because you didn't even try on the pop quiz?"

"Sorry that I don't believe that students should be ranked based on a lousy test."

"And I apologise for doing my job."

"Oh yeah? Does your job entail expecting Alan Turing type intellect from a bunch of teenagers?"


"I am a teacher-"




And on that note, I storm out of the class. I was not going to waste my time on a teacher who hates himself and knows his life has no real purpose or meaning. God I sound just like Wednesday...

I don't know what's going on with me. I've never disrespected teachers before and I definitely haven't lashed out like that before, whatever it is, I need to snap out of it. This new found anger ruined my room and hurt Wednesday. I can't let it happen again. I should use it for more important things, like finally killing Xavier... I wonder what his blood tastes like-


I turn around.


She walks up to me and slightly pushes my shoulder so that I follow her in her direction.

"We'll go to your therapy session now. Afterwards, you can go to your dorm to collect any toiletries or clothes that you'll need for the week. I will confiscate your phone, but you can have a school distributed laptop to help with homework. If we see any improvements in your behaviour, I'll let you go back to your original dorm on Sunday evening."

We exit the school gates.

"But for now.."

She opens her car door.

"Are you ready for therapy?"


"Help me to understand why you would attack a defenseless boy unprovoked. Was it out of fear? Were you perhaps jealous..."

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