Nice to meet you ig-3.

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Manchester England 🇬🇧
Friday - march 13th - 10:01p.m.
After I put my things in the draws and cabinets and what not, I head to the door and open it. I don't even go one step out the door until I fall into a freakishly tall, warm , muscular wall-???

I look up and see that 6'10 man soap was telling me about.
He looks down at me and helps me up and off him, before he scurried away , down the stairs

'Well that was a bit rude but, oh well people will be people , ig-'
I thought as I walked down the stairs and to the couch where simon and price where chatting.
"Took you long enough"
Simon says , not irritated just tired

"Sorry I was trying to be fast"
I say as I rub the back of my neck.

"All good son, now sit we have a LOT of catching up to do!"
Price says in a charismatic tone.

I sigh wondering how he's always so positive about shit. Me and simon look at each other, knowing we where thinking about prices mood 24/7. We both smile abit and turn back to price who is rambling away about what's happend and how he and everyone's been. It was such a weird feeling to be back in Manchester. . . I was soon cut out of my thoughts

"So y/n how are you and nik going? Nik I see sometimes but you. . . I haven't seen you for , what like. . . 6 years!" He says as he tried his hardest to calculate the years.

"Yup, 6 years. . . But yeah, me and nik are going great- simon-?"
I turn to simon
"How are you?" I ask solemnly.

He look at me dead in the eyes, or maybe he's not looking at me. . . I turn around to see gaz nik and soap chatting but there's somthing abit odd about it, soap keeps glancing over and smiling and tell the other 2 men to "shut te' traps ehh" in his scottish accent.

Me and simon look at each other and as soon as soap look back at me, simon and I look at him dead in the eyes.
I was confused on why soap looked like he shat his pants before I realised me and simon have the same eyes and we give the same stare. Opp-


Manchester England 🇬🇧
Tuesday - july 24th - 2:03a.m.
Soap's P.O.V:

Normally i sleep great but lately I feel like somthing bad's gonna happen to someone I love, either family, my best friend (L.T) or maybe . . . I don't know my ex??? Who know but it's someone I do or have cared about. I told price about it but he doesn't seem bothered , not as bothered as I am. . .

I sigh "I gotta see what the missions are , maybe that's it.. . . " I think to myself.

"Maybe, just. . ."

". . . Maybe. . . "


'I feel like bothering simon. . . '
I think to myself . I tip toe to Simon's room to be the annoying dickhead I am.
his door that just so happend to be open.

'hehe just my luck' I think to myself with a smug grin on my face.
I poke simon in the same place on his arm .

He wakes up and grabs my hand firmly.

"Why the fuck in the queens name are you so fucking annoying?!"
He wisper shouts at me.
(Edit: I wrote this before the Queen passed, Rip Lizzy ❤️)

"I don't know, why not?"

"Go. The. Fuck. To . Sleep."

"N. O."
I give a toothy stupid smile and he flicks me in the forehead.

I say unenthusiasticly.

"Now can you kindly fuck off?"
He says as he turns over and tries to sleep.
"Go suck face with soap or whatever your gay mind wants and leave."

I blush and roll my eyes. I scoff and turn around. 'As if he's not gay, there is no way that brother of mine is stright in anyway' I think as I snicker to myself abit.

I walk down the hall and run into Köing.
"Hey buddy!"
Köing warmed up to me and we started to talk for abit, and by that I mean I talked and he was happy to sit and listen. I also learned he had severe social anxiety for such a huge guy but I respected that and moved on.

He nodded to me in response and opened his door with a glass of water in his hand.

I walked quietly to soaps room and heard shuffling. I knocked on the door lightly.
I wisperd.
He opens the door and oh my lord holy shit fucking hell oh my lordy lord!!!!!

Soap's P.O.V:

I heard y/n knock on the door and I knew it was him because he wisperd my name, well my call sign

I walked to the door and open it leaning on the door frame, one arm at the top of the frame , my head resting on my forearm and the other hand on the door.

He just stood there and looked at me in surprise then cleared his throat.

I was talking to ghost earlier and he hinted to me that y/n might be abit gay. So maybe that's why he's staring at my bare torso. (🤔)

I got out of my thoughts and listened attentively to his words as he spoke.

His British accent thrived through his sentences. I found it. . . Attractive almost, hot?


I was staring at soaps chest as I talked , but only with my eyes and only abit but I think he noticed. . . . Shit.
Well if he finds out I'm gay, I guess I'm fucked , yay-!

I spoke silently but loud enough that the other male could hear me

"Hey soap, I can't sleep and i was walking in the hall and I heard shuffling in your room and just thought you were awake, I'm sorry if I woke you-"
I say in an almost rushed response.

"No problem, come in we can talk for a bit but you should get sleep we might have a mission coming up"
He said, his scottish background was one I could really appreciate honestly, if I weren't britsh I'd be scottish (fax 😔)





(Sorry the chapters are short lol, tell me if you want them to be longer)

words: 1064}●

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