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Manchester England 🇬🇧
Friday- august 4th - 8:07am

Allo!! Hope u enjoy

Ever since that night I've been very busy so I've rarely spoken to John. I have, however, been getting sent looks for john every now and then. Normally, if I step into a room he's in, he always gives me the same look every time, as if he's trying to tease me. These smirks. . . The way his lips curve into that lustful smirk. Makes me want to hit him, but those blue eyes. It feels like his eye fucks me whenever he gives me that look.

No matter if he's talking to someone or just standing, complete focus away from what ever he's doing and just stares at me as if he's taking in and appreciating a view.

I walked into the bases loving area on a mission to find gaz. He had asked me to print something for him because I had access. Just as I walk in and i feel the familiar gaze. Of course gaz was talking to him. It's not like I hate him or anything, it's just that it's awkward and be just makes me flustered and embarrassed especially when he looks at me like that. FUCK WHY IS HE MAKING ME SO FLUSTERED?

I clear my throat as I approach gaz.
"Hey, here's the paper-"
I hand him the paper.

"Thanks!" He said with his gleeful smile as always.

As I'm waking away I feel a hand on my shoulder and soon it turns into an arm embracing me and walking with me.

"You got a minute?"
I hear a raspy Scottish voice in my ear. I could literally hear his smirk and feel his eyes on me.

"I suppose-"
God almighty, don't let him see me blush-
God almighty, don't let him see me blush-
God almighty, don't let him see me blush-
God almighty, don't let him see me blush-

. . .

I get guided to his room so we can talk. He opens his door for me and let's me in. I walk ino his room. Very clean except for an unmade bed but not dirty, tells me alot about him. I here the door shut and lock.

"So what's up?"
I ask. I know what's up. He wants to know why I was ignoring him essentially.

"You know what's up Y/n Riley. I just want some answers regarding the fact that you ignoring me lately."
He went straight for the point.

"I haven't been ignoring you- well, not intentionally-"
I manage to spew out. And it was mostly true. I was very busy planning for the up and comming mission.

"And what do you mean by that?"
He questioned.

"Well, me price and si- ghost, have been busy laying out the plan for the new mission coming up."

He smirked.
"You were so busy you couldn't have a little chat with me?"
He walked closer to me.
Ah fuck me dead-

"Yeah sorry. to be honest, I haven't really spoken to anyone but ghosts and the cap'in"
I try and shift the mood to a more playful than lustful one.

"Fare enough -"
He agreed.
"So when will you be free?"
That sly smirk only grew with his questions.

"Most likley after the mission itself."
I shrugged. Just then I got a call from price. I answered.

"What are you doing right this second?"
He asked.

"I'm currently talking to soap. Why?"

"I need you to come to the meeting room right now, no time to waste."
He sounded like there was something urgent going on.

"Uh, yeah I'll be there in a minute"
I reply, then I hang up.

Soap asked

"I'm sorry I have to go, we can talk later yeah?"
I gave him abit of a smile and he nods his head slowly

". . .yeah-"

. . .

Once I get to the meeting room, I instantly notice the blue prints of the building we were to infiltrate and markings, indicating 1 team breaking in and the other standing guard.

I smiled.
"Should I call the meeting?"
I asked a full blown grin on my face.

"Go ahead, son."
Price smiled back. I look at simon and smile, quickly making my way out of the room and into various different rooms, calling the people from our team over to the meeting. The bulk of this mission was from Intel I had gathered back in Russia and a plan I'd made before we came back to the UK so needless to say I was really fuckin excited.

Once I gathered everyone we all took our seats. I would be the one explaining the plan and giving teams and roles.

"As you all know, we have a mission coming up. This is not a simple mission. its also not a hard mission to fuck up. So before I start explaining, just know you all get a warning, including us -"
I guesteure to me, price and simon. "-so don't fuck up."

I show everyone the blueprints of the building before explaining our objective. After about 20 or so minutes, everyone seemed confident memerizing the blueprint.

"Now that we have that memerized, I can tell you all the details."
I really wasn't playing with this, keeping a serious manner during the meeting.

"This mission will take place is a decolit part of Alaska. It should be approached with stealth and swiftly. Our task is to steal a suitcase full of information. The contents of which will help us greatly in figuring out something about makarovs mission and who is now running the terrorist group."

"Nikolia will drop us 2 miles away from the base. We will stretch through until we arrive at the base itself. There, the bravo team will surround the base and take out, any snipers and replace them as a guarding system for our team alpha. This team will contain 2 people as it is the team infiltrating, one of which will be me."

I pause and look around.

"Any questions so far?"
I asked the group. Gaz raised his hand.

"Sounds like a great plan so far, but why is it only you and one other in team alpha?"
He asked, genuinely curious.

I sigh.
"I used to be stationed there, which means I know my way around."
He gives an understanding nod.

"Now, everyone pay attention if you weren't before because this is the most important part."
I see everyone leaning in a bit more to listen.

"The plan is to deploy team bravo. Team bravo will then take out and kill the snipers around the base. There is 1 sniper per mile, so each of you will at least kill 2. Remember, this is a stealth mission. It will be snowing and heavy, so try and blend in. Your job as team bravo is also to snipe as many soldiers as you can regarding the base grounds itself. After the lead of team bravo, so in this case, the captain signals to us that the team is in position, team alpha will be deployed."

"Team alpha will make their way to the back of the base where a bravo member will give them the clear to enter through the outside vent system. Alpha will crawl to the room with the targeted object, kill everyone in the room, plant an explosive with a 10-minute timer, get out and all collectively, and get out with bravo following behind."

"We all understand?"
I see the group give excited grins and nodding heads, with a mix of yesses around.

"Let's fuck them over people."
I smile.

{I'm so sorry this is so late 😔. Also bro can we just appreciate the plan, tho like I'm ligit proud-}

Words- 1287

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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