scndelous meeting???

179 3 15

Manchester England 🇬🇧
Wednesday- july 25th - 7:09p.m.
(I'm back pookies~)
I sat there talking to simon and Keegan (😍) while we waited for price, who was late to his own meeting. Of course.

Finally the door opened and in came the older gentleman. Everybody said their hellos to him and he sat down at the head of the confrece desk. No papers. No files just him. Oh shit.

He clears his throat, he seems awkward, which is unusual for him. He's normally full of pride. Sometimes more than others - anyway. I'm scared. This must be a personal thing, then? No? I don't know. Normally, I pull people apart, and I end up being right about them. But this is different.

"Hello, everyone. I uh-"
He clears his throat

oh shit.

"i gathered all of you here to go through some rules and boundaries regarding you all being um. . . how should i say this? physically. . . active with each other."    
he was talking about sex. fuck. i knew there were some couples on base and that every now and then people brought others here if you know what I mean, but I didn't really realise there were rules about it -

"Price, just say you're talking about sex, c'mon i got shit to do-"
classic Farah. no filter, i love it.

I snicker, but then price give me "the look". Classic dad vibes (not that me and Simon would know).
"What? I have cadets to train-"
She smirks. We love Farah.

I shoot her an amused glance as we both try not to laugh. Alex and Farah for example, where one of the couples on base. Hell, they're even engaged!

I had befriended Farah while at the shooting range and we both talked about how winter was 10000% better then summer but her defence was that she was so used to a desert climate because she's been in desert climates her whole life. Kinda like how I've been in the miserable weather of Manchester, my whole life.

Price sighed.

The meeting was soon adjourned after we all agreed on a set time to. . . Fornicate.

Soap's P.O.V:

Y/n had no business looking that fine during the meeting. He wasn't talking but there was an unspoken handsomeness to him. Fuck-

I gave quick glances toward him, I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

The way his (h/t) (h/c) hair was perfectly framing his face, I had studied him. His jawline, shoulders, arms, legs, torso, hair, eyes, scars, lips, nose and especially his ass and thighs.

My goal was to eventually sketch him posing naked on my bed begging for me, but one can only dream I guess-

I smirk at the thought and must have zoned out while i was thinking of it because he eventually realised, I was looking at him and winked at me with a smile. My God.

Normal P.O.V

Soap was probably still a bit aroused since like 10 minutes prior to this meeting so far, he was wanking off in the shower, so I had some fun with it and winked at him, it wasn't much but he gave a "shut up-" kind of look, accompanied by a blush.

Fuck this was funny.

Farha noticed me teasing him and wrote something on a sticky note and passed it discreetly to soap since he was on her left-hand side at the back of the conference table.

Once soap read the note, he blushed a bit and wrote what seemed like a 2-letter answer as he wasn't writing for long at all. Farha just give him a knowing look. He was lying about something. Farah looked at me and I gave her a "wtf was that??" look.

After a while of speaking, price said my name.
"Y/n. It's time to tell them why you've joined us-"

I snap back into reality.
"Oh, right. Well, me and Nikolai got word of Makarovs organisation and decided to help your team, and extended team (Kortac) in the battle to take him and his terrorists down. It was also safer for both me and nik in the long run."

I explained. That was me and nik's objective: help 141, see price and simon and kill some terrorists.

After the meeting, we all got up and filed out of the room talking and such.
I wasn't talking to anyone and just walking when soap caught up with me
"So you wanna play? Let's go."
He was abit competitive, it was hot-

Soap's P.O.V:

I was ready to play this little game, and I was ready to go HARD on him.

"I don't know what your talking about-"
He smirked as he turned the corner.
Slippery fuck. Little does he know it just makes me want to re-arange his guts even more- jeez why does he make me lust so much?! Even thinking of flipping him over~


being a guys fun until you think about fucking someone and almost get a boner in public-

Manchester England 🇬🇧
Wednesday- july 25th - 8:04p.m.

Normal P.O.V:

I step out of the shower a dry myself, putting on my clothes while in the bathroom, which just became a habit scince I was living with nik in Russia and didn't want to go to my room naked, even if there was a towel on my waist, he always had people over so it just became a habit of taking my clothes to the bathroom to change after. And thank god I did-

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, soap was on my bed, reading the book that I was reading at the moment (it was on the night stand next to my bed)

"Uh, hey-?"
I say, more like a question then a greeting.

"I know what your doing y/n Riley. You almost caught me and now your teasing me for it. So let's play this game"
He smirked as he closed the book, bookmark in.

"What are you talking about?"
I ask innocently, when I in fact, was DEFINATLY not.

He just scoffed and then smiled and shook his head, getting up and walking toward me. Getting close and personal
"You know what I mean, leannan~ (darling~)"

I didn't understand what he called me but what I know for sure is that it was a very intimate endearment term based of the way he said it and was now VERY close to me. I felt like my heart would spontaneously combust when he leaned down a bit to get to my eye level with that FUCKING SMIRK AHHHH.

I tried playing it cool with a scoff
"Ok, and since your so confident that I was 'teasing you' then do something. Retaliate. I'll wait~"
I flirt back.

His smirk was wider, there was 100% sexual tension in this air. He was so close that I could see every detail in his blue eyes, the hints of grey and green in them as well.

Simon must have some big brother sense or something because when thing where just getting the most intense he decided to bust through the door holding files.

"Y/n Price said-"
I move away from Mctavish, quick and look over.

He looked like he wanted to kill soap.

"I'll be going now, cya L.T, bye Y/n~"
He smirked and I slightly blushed.

Simon just looked at me disappointed.

{HEY HONEYS IM BACKKKKKKK!!!! Praying you liked this chapter 🙏. Anyway love you pookies❤️}


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