oh shit (🍈)

353 8 6

Manchester England 🇬🇧
Wednesday- july 25th - 6:50p.m.
(Also I forgot to put lime in the Warnings I'm so sorryyy!! I will edit that chapter now but for now plz note there will be a: 🍈)

Its now been about 10 hours from when I finished training with the Sargent and I'm exugested- my day consisted of running around base all day, running erandds, falling down stairs and fileing reports.

And my God, I'm tired. I sit on the couch and exhaile while I watch alejandro and Gaz debate weather the UK has better football teams or weather south America does. I personally think the UK does but I'm bias- I join the conversation.

"May I say something on this topic?"

"Please do, so I can show alejandro that the UK has better football teams!"

"Yes you can, because Gaz is practically delusional at this point!"
Alejandro argues back

"Well, i know I'm British so I do think UK is better, but I'm an avid Messi fan and just Argentina in general so. . .-"
I shrug and they both look at me like I've just killed their mother or betrayed their whole family.

I shrug and go back to watching the game on TV.

Soap's P.O.V:

As the captain and I where having a chat I happen to glace at y/n and of course the captian noticed, like you'd think that an old man like that would have shit eye sight no offence-

"Soap mctavish what the fuck do you think your doing???"
He and his smirk was way to enthusiastic about this-
"What do you mean, sir?"
I said, clearly bullshiting him. He raises an eye brow and just stares at me.
"Ghosts gonna kill you, you know that right?"
I look at y/n and think for a moment.


I hug him from behind and push him into my dark room, he's giggling as he takes his shirt of and proceeds to take mine off aswell. He kisses me in the most blissful way possible.

His kiss was passionate and full of life, maybe if I kissed my ex like this she wouldn't have cheated. . .anyway, as we slowly start to get sloppier he moan into the kiss as do I. My tongue now exploring his mouth with the intention of only pleasuring this beautiful man under me with sinful deeds.

As I remove my mouth from his, its short lived as I move down his jaw slowly give love bites. Some so red they would bleed, others leaving teeth marks and most brused.

After I was done attacking his Jaw i moved to his neck, the scent of cologne still lingerd on him the more I moved down. I soon heard a gasp, which was different from the usual moans and grunts he would make. That's was my indication.' I found it' as I continued to abuse that spot he would moan and gasp as he pushed my head closer to the spot.

I smirked against his hot skin and he leaned his head to the side for me to get better access. As soon as I felt him tapp my head twice I knew it was a sign to go further. I kissed down his (s/c) chest as I praised him with how good he was taking this. He gripped my hair as I went down to his waist, I had the full intention to pull down his pants to go further but stopped and just looked up at him for approval. He looked at me, sweating and just nodded.




I soon look up to see price. . . Then I looked down-

"Uh, um yes?"
Fuck, why did I stutter-
"Mctavish, you ok? You completely zoned out-"

My foot was tapping against the floor hesitantly as I was now filled with embarrassment. "I feel kinda dick, sick! Sick i mean sick- i-im gonna go have a cold shower now, bye-!!" My tone was more awkward by the minute but as soon as I got to my room I locked the door then I darted for my bottom bedside table draw. . .

Normal P.O.V:

As I walk down the hall I hear a grunting sound and walk toward the noise. The sign on the door read "soaps room =)"

I knock on the door and then go in. I wish I didn't. Or did- I haven't decided yet.

I walk in to hear the sound of water running with a mixture of grunting and light moaning. I knock on the bathroom door fully expecting soap to open but in stead I just hear the grunting stop and a hesitant scotish voice say something.

"W-who 's it-?"
He sounded like he got caught red (or white 😏) handed.

"It's y/n, soap are you ok in there mate-?" I try not to snicker, was he really jerking off in the shower right now? 5 minutes before a meeting?
"Hey genius we have a meeting in 5, so stop wanking your self before I come in there and help you get over it~"
I say in a rather teasing tone. He's silent now and I'm dying of laughter on the inside. Fuck this is funny.

He steps out of the room 3 minutes later with nothing but a towel around his waist. I lightly blush but still have a smug grin on my face.

"You look refreshed-"
I chuckle abit and he smirks
"Come on, put some clothes on you
Wanker. . . No pun intended-"
He just shakes his head and we make eye contact that lasts what felt like hours. He stepped closer to me and was about to caress my cheek. My smirk is wiped off my face and then we here a person burst in.

"Hey simon-"
I smiled at him as soap gave him a look that reeked of a "fuck you" attitude.

As we walked to the meeting I felt his hand graze mine. We where so close yet felt so far apart. I had been away for so long I didn't even realise how much i liked him from my earlier days.

We finally got to the meeting and look at each other before entering said room togather.


Thank you so much for being patient. Also I would like to say that the limes and lemons won't effect the story. I will hint of it on the next chapter after them to catch up the readers who don't like to read smutty stuff. Also sorry this was so shit, I was out of ideas

Words: 1096

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