Part Three: Lucia.

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Sinding woke up the  next morning. He looks to see Taniiaae asleep next to him. He smiles. The night before was the first night in the new home.  Her lays all about her, making her appear wild even in sleep. Despite being Dragonborn and a werewolf, Taniiaae still looked very young. Especially in her white nightgown and smudged face from trying to remove her warpaint.  Sinding stands from the bed and puts on a lose white shirt over his bare torso.  He walks barefoot out of the bedroom and into the wall. He sees that Lydia's room is still closed. Good. 
Silently he heads down the stairs and to his surprise, he sees Malborn by the cooking pot. He is boiling something that has the aroma of vegetables and meat. Sinding's stomach growls, and he has to push down the inner wolf. He wishes it was gone for good, but he didn't know when that would be.  "You are up early."   He remarks, as Malborn nods to him. 
Sinding takes a seat at the table.
"I had a hard time trying to sleep."  Malborn says. "I was worried about those Thalmor." 
"Nothing to be worried about." Sinding says, pouring a cup of milk.  "He left Whiterun. The Jarl didn't want him here any longer than he needed to be." 
  Malborn frowns. 
"You are safe here. Believe me, I once felt like you. I was a wanted man, and I had no peace. But with time, and good friends, I learned I was safe." Sinding says. He walks over to the door where his boots are placed. He slips them on. "I'm going to run into town. I'll be back shortly. If Tanii wakes up, let her know that I'll be back soon, and that I am just in the  marketplace."  
Malborn nods, "As you wish." Sinding buttons up his shirt and smiles. "Good man. Thank you." 
He opens the door and walks out into the cloudy sky. Its chilly out. He sees the market bustling with his neighbors. Belethor, the Breton shopkeeper was out this morning. He was a sleazy man. He was poking and prodding at a small little Imperil girl. Sinding narrowed his eyes and made his way over there. 
"You want a coin? I can get you more than a few if you come with me." Belethor says, his voice thick with mead. The little girl holds her arms to her chest. "'s ok. I didn't mean to bother you." her little voice was shaking. 
"You are not bothering me, you honestly could do very well for me." Belethor purrs. 
"It's ok, I actually rather be left alone now." The Imperil child shudders. Her dark hair is tied in a loose ponytail. She wore a poorly fitting green dress, which brought out the hazel in her large eyes. 
 "You heard the child, scoot off Belethor." Sinding says, walking up between them. The little girl hides behind Sinding as Belethor frowns. "Sssinching! How good to see you? How's that pretty little wife of yours? I haven't seen you two come into my shop for a while." Belethor slur.
"You're drunk Belethor, go back to your house and close up your shop. You are in no condition to make any bargains unless its losing your sales."  Sinding says, pushing the Breton slightly towards his house. "I knew you were always a stick in the mud." Belethor hobbles towards his home, not putting up a fight.  
"Er...thank you, sir." the little girl says, wringing her hands together. Sinding kneels down to be on her eye level. "Why was he bothering you?" 
The child swallows, "I asked him for a coin. I'm really hungry. I was hoping I could get something to eat." 
Sinding reaches for his coin purse and pulls out five septims. He hands them to her. "Where are your parents?"
  The little girl's eyes are huge as she holds the septims in her hands. "My momma died. My aunt and uncle kicked me out after they took over our farm. I traveled here on foot and met Brenuin. He taught me to beg so I can earn coins for food or a place to sleep that's warm."  
Sinding's heart tugged. "Why don't you come with me, I can get you some food." 
The little girl held her hands to her chest. "Oh really! Thank you, sir!"
Sinding smiles, "What is your name?" 
"I'm Lucia." 
Sinding slowly reaches out his hand, his chest tightening with the fear of his past. "My name is Sinding." 

I wake up to the sounds of clattering in the kitchen downstairs. 
Climbing out of the bed, I move to put on my tunic-robes before I head downstairs. I see that Sinding must of been up for a while, as his side of the bed was cool. I climb down the stairs to hear Lydia and Malborn speaking. 
"Morning." I say, nodding at them. 
"Good morning, Taniiaae."
"Morning, Thane." 
  I look around for Sinding, but do not see him. "Where is my husband off to this morning?" I say, scooping up a ladle of stew and taking a seat. 
"Sinding said he was heading to the market. He should be back soon." Malborn says, stacking up the dirty dishes from Lydia and himself. 
The door opens and I look up to see Sinding walk in.....with a little girl holding his hand. My stomach tightens. I stand up, leaving my bowl in my seat as I walk over. "Sinding?" He looks up at me. "Hello my love. How did you sleep?" 
I see the little girl's liquid eyes taking me in. She is a pretty little thing. Long, dark hair, hazel eyes.  "Who's this?" I say to my husband. 
 "I'm Lucia. What's your name?" The little girl says, holding her small hand at me. I smile and I take it, "Very nice to meet you, Lucia. My name is Taniiaae." I look back at Lydia and Malborn. "Could you give this little one some stew? I would like to speak to my husband.....alone." 
I see Sinding's eyes widen but he looks at Lucia, "It's alright. Go with them." She shuffles over to the others as Sinding and I head upstairs. I close the doors and then say in a hushed tone. "Where are Lucia's parents?" 
Sinding puts his hands on my shoulders. "They are dead. I didn't steal a little girl off the streets. She was begging and was being harassed by Belethor when I intervened." 
"Belethor?" I repeat, "That's disgusting."  
Sinding nods, "I know. I spoke to her after pushing him away. Her mother died and she was kicked out from her home by her aunt and uncle. She's been spending time with the other beggars to learn how to get septims for food and a bed." 
  I close my eyes for a moment, I can hear her chattering to Lydia downstairs. She sounds so young.   I swallow. "Last night.....I had a dream....I believe it was from Akatosh. That we would have a child. He said that the child will be the offspring of the dovah and servants of Hircine."  
Tears spring to my eyes. "I would give anything to have a child, and.....and I think this is our chance....." My hands reach to cup his face.  "I want to take it." 
His hands reach for my and he pulls them away to rest them against his chest. "I'm afraid. I don't want to harm this child like I did to that little girl, but....she needs us. I want to try."  A tear runs down my cheek and Sinding gently strokes it away. "I want to do this too." 


Lucia was ecstatic to come live with us. Right away, she asked if she could refer to us as Pa and Ma. Sinding was a natural at it.  I felt awkward, but I loved the feeling of cuddling with her at night. At the moment, she slept in a small bed in Malborn's room. Malborn willingly moved his bed up to our hallway upstairs, acrossed from Lydia's room. I saw that Sinding was asleep as I lay in bed, looking at the Elder Scroll. I remember that Delphine wanted me to find her Esbern, but I didn't know where to start. I guess Riften was a good place to start. I really didn't want to leave my husband and Lucia, but I know what I was destined to do. I hear a little knock on my door. "Mama, Papa?" I see Sinding in a deep sleep by my side, so I slip out of bed and pad over to the door. Lucia stands there, holding the doll that Sinding bought for her. "Mama? Can you sleep with me? I had a nightmare."  
I look at Sinding and turn and smile. "Of course, sweetheart." I quietly pull the door to my room shut. Lucia takes my hand, her little fingers gripping hard to mine, as we slide past Malborn and walk down the stairs. We walk to her room and to her little bed. I smile at her. "You get in first, that way, whatever Draugrmen come, I will be the one to protect you." 
She giggles. "Mama, there is no such thing as Draugrmen." 
I smile, I didn't want to tell her that they were actually real, but they were hidden away in the crypts of old tombs and burial mounds. She climbs into bed and I scootch next to her. I pull the covers up and whisper. "Your papa is going to wander what happened." 
Lucia hugs her dog. "Mama, can you tell me a story." 
"I can tell a short one." 
"Tell me how you and Papa first met."  
I kiss her forehead. "Promise you will go to sleep afterwards?" 
Lucia nods. "Yes, Mama!" 
  "I was sent to find your father by my former leader. Kodlak Whitemane. He was the Harbinger of the Companions...and was like a father to me. He sent me to Falkreath. Said he wanted to help this man. But when I got there, your father was in trouble. He was being hunted by an evil man. Alot happened that night." I murmur. 
"What happened?" Lucia asks. 
"I helped your father, and in return, he helped me. I was injured. He took care of me, and I brought him back to Whiterun. He got very close to the others, but he and I....we got closer."  
  "Did you kiss?" 
I laugh. "Oh yes, 'lots' of kissing. But we had alot happen in short time. But we both believe that Lady Mara and Lady Kynereth brought us together." 
 Lucia yawns. "I hope I find someone who will love me like the way you and Papa love each other." I hold her against my chest. "You will, but you are only just past your tenth winter. You have so much time." 
 She snuggles closer to me and soon I can hear her start to snore.

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