Part Seven: Season Unending

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"You want me to what?" Balgruuf dropped his fork from his hand. I stood in before his feasting table. He was eating with his children and the steward. I looked horrible, but I didn't care. I had Lucia in arms, Sinding standing behind me, and was backed up by Farkas, Vilkas and Aela.  "I could of sworn I misheard you. I thought you said you wanted to capture a dragon on the Great Porch."  
I shook my head, "No. You heard me correctly."  "But how, it's madness? We are on the brink of war!" The steward sputtered. I tilt my head. " should of known me by now. Everything I do is madness."  I smirk. "But in all seriousness, yes, we are on the brink of war, and that's why I need you to help me capture a dragon." Balgruuf stands up and walks towards me. He sees my daughter in my arms and then says, "How would this help with the war?" 
"Because I want you to reach out to General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak and ask them to convene with me in High Hrothgar." I say. 
  I could see everyone's eyes on me, everyone but Sinding. I had already told him my idea before hand.  "Ulfric wouldn't commit to that-" Proventus started to speak. 
"He will. We have crossed paths before." Sinding says, "He has much admiration for my wife...and the Greybeards." 
Balgruuf scratches his chin. "And of Tullius?" 
"I wanted to see if you could convince the general. I have had no interaction with the man, but from what I understand, he is a very serious soldier. If he hears it from someone of rank such as you, he may consider it." I say. 
"Why not you?" Balgruuf asks.
"Sir, I have no rank. I am a member of the Companions and Dragonborn, but what is that to the war?" I say, planting a kiss on my daughter's head. I put her down and she heads over to her father.  
"Nonsense!" Balgruuf laughs, "Kodlak thought very highly of you and you are considered to have some of the blood of Martin Septim in your veins. You have much to offer." He sighs, "Proventus, send word to General Tullius at once. I will reach out to Ulfric in a truce. We will meet at High Hrothgar."  
"I am sorry for such the late notice." I say as I walk down the halls with Arngeir. His fellow brothers followed quietly in suit, along with Sinding, Aela and Lydia. I left my daughter home with Malborn and my shield-siblings. She was safer there.  "Paarthunaax had warned me that you might have wanted to convene with our enemies. I was told that the Blades wanted to kill our founder." Arngeir said as we walked down the corridor. I nodded, "I refused them. They may hate me but until Alduin is gone, we need their help. Esbern, the old man knows much of the history from Alduin's Wall." 
Arngeir gave a bitter laugh. "I am sure he does." 
 He sighed, "Alright, Dragonborn. I trust you. Do what is best for Skyrim. But do not forfeit your life for the Blades-"  
"You have my word." I say quickly. We enter a large room with a round table. I curse under my breath. There was many faces who I recognized here. Balgruuf stood up from his seat when he saw me. With him was Proventus, who looked very nervous. Besides them were two faces I didn't recognize. 
"Dragonborn. This is General Tullius and his commander, Legate Rikke." Balgruuf said. Tullius was tall. He was clean cut and his hair was greying. He nodded at me. He was adorned in red and gold armor followed by a black cape. Besides him, a woman, perhaps in her forties, sat beside him. Her dark eyes seemed deep with knowledge, yet exhausted. She gave a smirk.  Across from them, on the other side of the table, was Ulfric Stormcloak and his man, Galmar Stonefist. Ulfric gave me a genuine smile, but his lieutenant gave me no such curtsey. It didn't matter to me. Besides him sat Delphine and Esbern. Delphine seemed right at home, yet her counterpart seemed very nervous. And in the middle of the table, was Ambassador Elenwen. The Greybeards took their places from besides Balgruuf towards me. Sinding stood right behind my chair as I sat. Lydia and Aela picked corners of the room and watched from there. 
 "Why is she here?" Ulfric broke the silence, pointing at the Altmer woman. 
"I had heard about this moot with the leaders of Skyrim, and wanted to join. As the Thalmor patrol and care for most of Skyrim's needs." Elenwen said in a snotty voice.  "Liar." Galmar spit. 
Elenwen was about to open her mouth when I say, " Lady Ambassador. I rather have my meeting be peaceful. You could either keep your words to yourself or you may leave. I am here to beg for peace." I can feel Sinding stiffen behind me and I know that Aela is trying her best not to laugh. Elenwen glares at me and nods her head, "As you wish." She pushes back her chair and leaves the room, her entourage of guards following her. Galmar looks at me and claps. "I am impressed."   I clear my voice. "I welcome you all here. I am gladdened that you all decided to meet under the peaceful roof of the Greybeards." I hear Delphine scoff. 
"I wanted to ask you, The Empire and the Stormcloaks, to call a truce--a temporary truce, so that I may be able to find Alduin and kill him."  I say.  
   The Greybeards nod in unison. "How do we know that what you say is true, and that this isn't just a ploy for the Stormcloaks?" Tullius says. "Once our backs have turned, Ulfric will reign death on our people." 
"Do you really think I am so low as to murder innocents under the rule of a dragon?" Ulfric sneers, "I only put down those who want to stop me and rule over our people like dogs and cower before the Aldermari Dominion!" Balgruuf stands for me. "The Dragonborn wouldn't bring the likes of you together for a trick."  
 "She prefer not to even do this." Sinding pipes up. Tullius and Ulfric stop and turn to him. Sinding steps out from behind my chair and says. "The Dragonborn, this girl, has done more to help Skyrim then you realize."   I look at him in surprise. My husband, the quieter of the two of us, yet here he was. "She has done more for the service of Skyrim. She was seen as the beloved daughter of Kodlak Whitemayne. She went to Ysgramor's Tomb to put him at rest. She thought Alduin once, and took down one of his lieutenants. She always has put Skyrim and her people before herself." He looked at me. I stared at him in stunned silence. 
The room is dead quiet when I hear slow clapping. I turn to see Esbern standing up. "And she helped save my life. We could at least aide her in stopping the World Eater from devouring Tamriel." 
  Ulfric also stands. "I will back up the Dragonborn and her quest to defeat Alduin. I will not bring war to her city in Whiterun until whatever dealings with the dragons end." I nod at him in thanks. Tullius taps his fingers on the table. "What do you prefer we do, Dragonborn? You want a truce. What do you purpose?" 
  I look over at Balgruuf, and then back at the Greybeards. Sinding walks back behind me and whispers, "I'm right behind you. No matter what." He brushes my arm with his hand and takes his stand behind me. I stand up and clear my throat.  
"My proposal is that Whiterun is exempt from the war until further decisions from Jarl Balgruuf."  I look over at Tullius and then Ulfric. "I want the Empire to take charge over Riften."  Galmar growls, "Stupid girl, what are you-"
"And I want the Empire to give the city of Markarth over to The Stormcloaks."
Galmar drops silent. Ulfric looks over at Tullius and then whispers over to Galmar.  The two break away and Ulfric stands. "I agree to the terms, the Reach will be in better hands with the Stormcloaks." 
Tullius does not rise, instead he nods at Rikke and she acknowledges me. "The Empire is willing to slide Markarth aside for our forces in the Rift."  
"And what of Whiterun?" I ask. 
 Ulfric smirks. "Whiterun is yours for now, Dragonborn." He gives me a slight bow. I saw no mockery in it, and took it as respect. 
  "So do we agree to the terms?" Arngeir asks, pulling out a manuscript and scribbling out the decree. Ulfric nods and Tullius says, "We agree to the truce." 
"It's settled then. Whiterun will be left alone until the matter of the dragons are at hand." Proventus said. 
   I smile. "Now that that is settled, I wanted to ask The Blades of what they knew of Alduin's Wall. And where he could be hiding."  
Delphine was about to protest when Esbern pulls out a long manuscript. "Now, according my studies and ancient tomes of the prophecies, most likely the dragon flew back to Sovengarde. He can hide in the heavens without being hunted down." 
"Soverngarde? But there is no way to there unless by death." Rikke said, crossing her arms.  "That's what they want you to think...." Esbern wagged a finger at her. "Let me see...Ah! Right here, it is said that the only entrance to Sovengarde while still living is through a portal. It is located in the mountains of Skuldafin."  He pointed at his scroll. I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. He had a scrawled out map but I could see it was very far away in the mountains. "No horse could make such a journey." I murmur. 
Esbern nods, "Yes, no horse could. But a dragon could. A dragon would know it by heart."  I look up at Sinding, and then to Aela and Lydia. I look over to Balgruuf. "I think we need to get the Great Porch ready for about what I have to do."  
   The Jarl nodded, "Aye." 
Arngeir rose and his brothers followed suit. "I call this meeting adjourned." 

"I have a horrible feeling about this." Irileth muttered. I stood with looking at the horizon from the balcony on the Porch. It was a beautiful evening. "Alright, Taniiaae, we are ready." Balgruuf says. I turn to see him gesture to the giant trap above us. "How will it work?" I ask. 
  Farengar, the court wizard rushes up to us. "You see, when you call the dragon, we will need you to lure him farther into balcony. Once his neck reaches just above the threshold, we will drop the trap and it will yoke him to the floor."
"I hope you don't mean to behead him, Farengar." I comment, "The way you want his neck to reach upon the threshold make me thinks you want to execute him. I need him alive for all of this to work." Farengar waves his hand, dismally, "You have so little faith in me, woman? He won't lose his head. Just his ability to move." He bustles off to speak to the solders and Irileth.   Balgruuf shakes his head in annoyance. I smile a little. 
"Hello, my love." 
I turn to see Sinding walk up to me. We share a brief kiss. "Is Lucia home safe?" I ask. 
Sinding nods, "Ria and Malborn are keeping her into the sleeping quarters in Jorrvasker. I figured she wouldn't be able to see what's happening from down there." 
  I nod. Lydia walks behind him and bows her head towards me. "Hail to you, Thane." 
I shake my head, "Lydia, remember, just call me-"
"Taniiaae. I know." She grins, "But you are most Thane worthy. Putting a halt on the Civil War, capturing a dragon. All most impressive."  
  "On your word now, Dragonborn." Balgruuf said, looking at the evening sky.  I nod, and take a deep breath. "Let's do this." 
 I look at Lydia, Sinding and the Jarl. "It may be safe if you all take cover."  Balgruuf and Lydia move towards the ramparts when I look at Sinding. "You should go too." 
He smirks. "You look so beautiful when you are about to face a dragon." 
I feel my cheeks reddened. "Oh husband, you flatter me." 
Sinding nods, "I'll be right with you." 
    Turning my head I walk over to the edge of the balcony. In a deep breath, I shout "OD-AH-VIING!" 
Nothing happened. 
I clear my throat and shout again, "OD-AH-VIING!" I hear a bellow in the distance. I look to see a form getting closer. It was smaller than Alduin and Paarthunaax but seemed faster. It's scales were a deep red and it's face was thin. "Everyone, your positions!" I said as the dragon lurks above me. He cries in a loud voice and lands on the balcony. I back away as the dragon tries to snap at me. Sinding goes ahead to where the trap will fall and waves his arms, "Hey you! Over here!" The dragon's flicker to him and then I bolt towards the doors. The dragon chases after me. 
"NOW!" I shout as I reach the doors. The dragon doesn't have time to react when the big woodened traps yokes him in and confines him to the earth. His head is lodged between the trap, like Farengar said. 
 " a a trap." The dragon speaks in a low, raspy voice. His wings go slack. I approach him in awe. His dark eyes study me. "Alas, my curiosity of a human with the blood of the dovah brought me to my capture. You were most cunning in your imprisonment." 
"By Azura, I cannot believe we caught a dragon." Irileth breathes. Balgruuf laughs. 
"You came to my call." I say, softly to the dragon. 
"You called my name.....not many know my name anymore." Odahviing huffs. He lifts his head up and screams a call of defeat. 
"Well done! I will say that after all I have seen with you....this is the most impressive." Sinding says, he puts a hand on my shoulder. I grin at him mischievously. "Even more impressive then me hunting you down in the grotto?" 
He laughs. "Eh....maybe not that impressive." 
   My attention turns to Farengar, who starts to bumble his way towards the captured, Odahviing. "Ah, what a fine specimen he is! I could finish so much of my research with him here. Maybe a scrape of a scale. A piece of wing...." He walks around towards the back of the dragon. 
"Farengar.....I wouldn't do that." Irileth warns. 
"She's right, this isn't one of your experiments, this is a dragon." I add. "Oh don't worry, I will hardly touch him." The court wizard says. 
The dragon screams and jolts his body against the yoke. We all duck our heads as he spouts a gust of fire into the air. "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" He cries. Farengar runs from behind him and Dragonsreach. 
"He was warned." Irileth said, shaking her head. 
   I look at Odahviing, who was now calmer. "Is this to become of me? Imprisoned to be poked and prodded?" I shake my head and crouch down. "I need you to take me to Alduin." I say, firmly. 
The dragon's eyes lit up. "You wish for me to take you to Skuldafin? That is where he is hiding. Deep in there.....towards Sovengarde. But you will not make it." 
"And why wouldn't I?" I ask. 
"Because, deep in the tunnels of the crypts, draugr and dragon priests reside.....unless I take you all the way to the portal." Odahviing said, turning his neck between Sinding and I. 
 I look at Sinding and then back at the dragon. "So, would you pledge to serve me?" 
The dragon laughs. "Serve you? No, not unless you defeat Alduin. But....I would be willing to lend you a ride to the Portal in Skuldafin." 
"Why would you betray your master so willingly?" Sindings asked. 
"Alduin has long since fallen from grace. While many countless dovah still follow him, I see where he is no longer fit to rule Dovah-kind. I wouldn't mind seeing him fail." Odahviing laughs. I turn away from him, and taking Sinding's hand, I head over towards the Jarl. 
"Brilliant girl!" Balgruuf laughed, "Kodlak would truly be proud of you."
My cheeks heat up at the mention of Kodlak and I wonder if he would be. But I need to focus on the problem  at hand. "Balgruuf, I think we will have to release the dragon." 
Balgruuf stopped laughing instantly and I see that even Sinding freezes. "What? You must be joking." Balgruuf stammers. I shake my head. "No, I'm not. That dragon can only lead me to Alduin if I release him. He needs to take me to Skuldafin." "How can you trust him?" Balgruuf asked, eyeing the imprisoned dragon.  I shrug, "He probably can't trust me anymore than I can him. I did lure him into a trap."   "But what happens if he attacks you?" Sinding said, putting a hand on my arm. I give him a smile.  "It wouldn't go in his favor. That is for sure." 
  Balgruuf looks at the dragon, and then back towards me. "I trust whatever you choose, Dragonborn." I nod my thanks and turn to walk back towards Odahviing. Sinding shakes his head, "No, you can't go. I'm going with you." I shake my head, "Husband. I need you here with Lucia, and the others."
He  holds unto my hands. "But what if I don't see you again? You could die." 
I give him a sad smile. "I could. But haven't I been taking this risk for months?"  "I don't want to lose you." Sinding said sadly. I tilt my head up and press my lips to his. He joins me for the kiss and its when I release first is when I say. "I have to do this to save everyone. To save you, Lucia, Aela. I  have to save Skyrim. I don't think this is the end of my road." 
  He nods, I see tears in his eyes, but he gives me a sad smile. "Then do what you have to."  I give him another kiss. And then I look towards the guards. "Release the yoke." 
 The guards look at me and then the Jarl who barks. "You heard the Dragonborn." 
The trap is lifted for Odahviing who stretches his neck and wings. He looks down at me curiously. "I wouldn't have believed you to be merciful." He says, tilting his head. 
"Many say that, but I am." I say, crossing my arms. "So will you take me to Skuldafin, the portal to Sovengarde?" 
Odahviing laughs. "As you wish, Dovah-kiin."  He turns to face the balcony to wait for me. I look at Sinding. "Tell Lucia that I love her, that I will be back. I promise."   
He takes my hand and kisses it. "We will be waiting." I smile and see as Lydia approaches me. "Taniiaae, please be careful." 
"You actually called me by my name." I said in surprise.
Lydia laughs. "I'm trying to." 
  I clasp hands with her and say, "I'll be back. Keep an eye on my family." She bows her head. 
I walk over to Odahviing. "Are you ready to race into the skies, Dovah-kiin?" He asks. I nod, "I am." 
He bends his neck down and I climb unto it and once I get my bearings, he takes off. I hold on for dear life as the wind soars past me. I can hear the Jarl wish me luck and my husband pray for my return.

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