Part Twelve: Raven Rock.

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"I'm sorry, but I won't be able to give you passage to Raven Rock." Captain Gjalund Salt-Sage said. Aela shook her head, "It is because of you, that those cultists attacked our Dragonborn." 
I smirked at her comment. Aela had agreed to join us which was for our benefit. Our small group was made of Aela, Lydia, Malborn, Farkas, Sinding, myself and Njada. Vilkas said that we needed brute strength such as Farkas accompanying us. And it made Lydia smile. I myself invited Njada. I wanted to give her another chance. 
"My wife was attached by those priests. You could at least give us passage to Raven Rock for letting them board your vessel." Sinding said, crossing his arms. Captain Gjalund looked at me, and then back at Sinding and Aela. "They what?" 
"Gave me a knife scar." I say, motioning to my shoulder. "They came to assassinate me. I want to know why."  
Gjalund looked at his crew, then back at me. "Fine, I'll only take your 'family' to Solstheim but I must warn you, something strange is happening there." 
"What is happening?" I ask. I hold Lucia's hand in mind and give her a gentle squeeze. 
"People...they are acting crazy...almost trance like. And they keep mining, all they do is mine at these springs. They don't rest. They don't eat. They don't speak other than muttering about someone called Miraak." I look at Sinding and then back at the captain. "Take us at once. I will pay you for your travels." Gjalund shook his head, "It's free this time. For my poor judgment on letting those cultists into Skyrim." 

There was hardly any sun on Raven Rock. The air was thick with soot, smoke and fog, and the air was humid.  It was early dawn. I stood at the helm of the vessel by myself. Sinding held Lucia in his arms as they slept, and the others seemed too exhausted as well. "Are you always the first one awake?" 
I turn to see Njada walk over to me. She puts her hands on her hips as she studies the surroundings as we drew closer to the docks. "Always." I say. 
"So.....what made you want to bring me? I thought we hated each other?" Njada said. "We did, but then we had an understanding. And I want to see where our understanding leads." I say, smelling the smoky air. 
"I never thought we would travel close to Morrowind." Njada says. I nod, "I heard that Morrowind used to be beautiful. Until the Red Mountain exploded in Vvardenfell."  
I nod, "Now, all we have to thank for that is to inhale this air."  
 "Everyone up! Raven Rock is just beyond us!" Captain Gjalund shouts. I feel a shiver come down my spine as the silhouette of the smally city lies before us. Malborn comes to my side. "My friend, Garyn Ienth and his wife Milore lives on the borders of the town on their farm. I'm sure they can give us a place to stay for the time being." I nod. 
As the boat stops, I nod my thanks at the captain as Sinding walks over, Lucia's hand in his. "Mama, why is the sun gone?" Lucia asks. "Because many years ago, a volcano erupted in Morrowind and caused all the smog to float over here." I say. 
"I hope there are kids here I can play with."  Lucia says. I suddenly feel bad for taking her away from her friends, but I didn't know how long this journey would be, and I wanted my daughter with me.  A tall, Dunmer approaches us on the docks. His face is stern, and he looks worn with worries and age. He is dressed in finer clothing than most of the Dunmers I have seen in Skyrim. "I do not know who you are, so I take it you are a new arrival to Raven Rock. State your intentions!" He snaps. I look at Malborn and then say, "We are here looking for Miraak." 
"Miraak.....that name sounds familiar, yet strange." The old Dunmer mutters. "I am Adril Arano, second counselor of Raven Rock. You are in the territory of House Redoran now. This isn't Skyrim, but Morrowind. If you cause any trouble, it may land you in prison. So be mindful of your visit here." 
I bow my head, "Sir, I promise you, we mean no trouble. I am the Dragonborn and someone tried to assassinate me with the service to Miraak. I just want to find out where he is."
"Dragonborn? That cannot be-" Adril Arano shook his head. "I don't believe you. Not unless you prove it." 
I look up at the sky. The air was stifling. I remember learning a shout to help me clear the skies. So I decided to use that one. I open my mouth and shout into the air. 
The air became a little less musty, and smelled sweeter and I could feel a little warmth from the sun on my face. I look at the old man who stood baffled before me. "It's really true...." He cleared his throat and his composure. "You are welcomed in Raven Rock, as long as you respect it's people and laws. Unfortunately , we have no space for you and your caravan." 
"Sir, I have some friends here who we can ask to stay with. The Ienth's." Malborn said, bowing his head low to the Second Counselor. 
"Hhhmmmm, Garyn and Milore....I know them well...." Adril scratched his chin. "Alright, be off with you all for now. If I hear of any trouble, I will have you all answer to me." 
   Malborn nodded his head and turned towards us. "I will go find the Ienths. If you all could stay here until then, that would probably be much better than stomping all over the providence."
"Stomping? Who is stomping?" Farkas muttered.
 We sat down on the docks, waiting for Malborn to return. I closed my eyes, thinking about all that had transpired recently; Alduin, the dreams of Miraak, the ending of the werewolf curse to all but myself and Aela, it was almost too much to think about. "My love? Are you alright?" I open my eyes and smile at Sinding. "Just exhausted." He nods, "You look like you haven't slept in months." I yawn, "Perhaps I really haven't." 
   My ears perked up at the sounds of footsteps and I stand up, hoping to see Malborn running back towards us, but instead it was a tall Mer. He had dark shoulder length hair, was pale, but his was his eyes that startled me. They were a dark red, like blood. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me, then his red eyes flicked towards the rest of my party. His scent is what alerted me, and I knew it alerted Aela as much as I. 
He didn't smell alive.  
  "Can we help you?" I say in a false, sweet tone. I see out of the corner of my eye, Sinding turn to face me in surprise over my rudeness. The Altmer gave me a small bow and said, "My apologies for disturbing you, but I think I don't think you should wait out here, any longer." 
"Why?" Aela snapped behind me. 
"What's your problem?" Njada sneered at her. 
"We are waiting on our friend to return." I say, taking a step forward. The elf nods, "I know, but I'm afraid you need to take shelter. Your friend isn't coming least not tonight." The hair on my arms stands up. 
"What do you mean?" Sinding says, now taking a step in front of me.   The elf looks at the sky and then says, "I have a place for you all to rest. If you follow me, I promise to tell you everything." 
  I look at Sinding, and then Aela. "If you do anything-"I start to say.
"Please, just trust me. This is for everyone's best interest." The elf said, holding up his pale hands. 

     He took us to a small cave east to the city. Once we were further back, he lit a fire. He offered us freshly caught fish. He himself didn't eat, only would take a swig periodically from a flask he kept on his belt. I held Lucia on my lap as I sat besides Sinding. My body was tense, and I was concerned about Malborn. Aela paced behind me while Njada, Farkas and Lydia hungrily feasted. "We followed you to your hideout. Now, who are you, where is my friend, and why did you want me to follow you so much?" I ask. 
  The elf smiles and he crouches down to my level. "My name is Fennorian of House Ravenwatch. I know you are the Dragonborn and I wanted to help you. Your friend is in danger as is all of Tamriel." 

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