26. between blake and byron

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That afternoon, Oliver materializes in arguably the worst section of the library—which, of course, is non-fiction. He spares its contents a derisive glance before he steps through the gaps between the shelves. A cursory glance around the library tells him that it's just how he prefers: almost completely deserted, and suitably gloomy thanks to the May shower pattering against the windows.

As expected, he finds Mrs. Thistlecloth behind the librarian's desk. She seems to have taken the liberty to adopt his Villain, I have done thy mother mug, which Oliver thinks is nice. If he'd had the chance to write a will, that would've been at the top of the list.

Before he can ponder what the other items would be, he's distracted by a flash of neon blue in the poetry corner. It's the same section where Finn invited him to that faithful Halloween party. The same section where Oliver realized with distant horror that he was falling.

He feels no different when he slips between the shelves this time to find Finn sitting on the floor next to the little step ladder, his legs stretched out in front of him. Only, there's no fear this time. He knows what it feels like to be in love with Finn O'Connell. You don't have to fear the fall when you already know that the landing doesn't hurt.

"Hey, you." Hands in the pockets of his coat, he tilts his head a little to meet Finn's eyes.

"Hey." Finn grins up at him, eyes crinkling at the corners. He pats the hardwood floor next to him. "Want to join me down here?"

"Don't mind if I do." Oliver slumps to the floor next to him. Leaning an elbow on his knee, he does a quick scan of Finn's face. "You look happy."

"I am." Finn's smile, if possible, grows even wider. "I told you about my mum's panic attack the other day, right? Well, afterward, I asked my therapist if she knew any others who were currently accepting patients. She gave me a list, and I left it on the kitchen table."

He shifts a little, too giddy to sit still. "Mum never said anything about it, so I figured she just threw it away. But today, she told me that she's doing it. She got a spot, and her first appointment is in two days."

For a second, all Oliver can do is blink. "Finn, that... that's amazing."

"I know! It's just a first meeting, obviously, but I really think it could work."

"I'm sure it will." Without thinking, Oliver reaches across the space between them and squeezes Finn's hand.

Looking down at their intertwined fingers, Finn says: "I genuinely didn't think this was possible. Ever since she told me, it feels like... I don't know, like spring. That fresh, open feeling you have on the first sunny day when everything feels possible. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. It does." With Finn's foot pressing against his, Oliver knows exactly what he means. He's silent for a moment. Then, he quietly says: "I need to tell you something as well."

"What is it?"

"Well. Er." Oliver clears his throat. "Remember when I first came back and told you I was given another year?"

Tentatively, Finn nods.

"I... I kind of made it sound like that entire year was for me to help you."

Finn's expression turns panicked. "You're leaving?"

"No! No. I just wanted to explain." Oliver takes a deep breath, presses his palms flat against the floorboards. "During this year, I was supposed to help several people, not just you. It's actually a competition, of sorts. Whoever finishes the most cases gets to stay another year after this."

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