The Upside Down

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HI!!!!! So henry isn't really in this chapter BUT he will be in the next one.

ENJOY!!!!!! I'll talk to you all at the end


I really hate awkward silence.

The phrase repeated over and over in my head as I sat opposite Eleven. The training room was completely deserted. I was going to murder whoever had the bright idea of sticking the two of us together like this. No warning, no introduction, nothing. At first, I figured Brenner was just running late, but soon thirty minutes passed with Eleven and I sitting in unbroken silence. That motherfucker had set me up.

By the time I realized, though, it was too late to turn heel and walk away-- a guard had been promptly stationed outside of our door.

So now we sat opposite one another, two paper bags situated on the circular table between us. Mine remained untouched, while Eleven had opened hers immediately upon sitting down. Inside, she found a pack of lays chips and a sandwich on soggy-looking bread. She didn't eat either of them.

I was too stubborn to start a conversation. Or maybe I was just too tired. Last night had been spent tossing and turning, replaying my and Henry's interaction until I couldn't stand to think of him any longer. Of course, my mind never much cared to heed my wishes, so the thoughts of him persisted.

I listened to the tap of Eleven's fingers against the table. Soon, the ambient noise filled up the room until it was more of a nuisance than anything else. I gritted my teeth to stop myself from snapping at her. Our training was supposed to go on for another hour and a half. I saw only two options-- we could sit here in silence while her incessant tapping slowly drives me insane, or I could initiate conversation.

I was going to go with the first option, but I very quickly lost my patience.

"So where did they find you?" I asked.

The tapping stopped. Her brown eyes snapped to mine like she'd been anticipating my words this whole time. One moment passed, then another. She didn't reply.

I sat forward in my chair. Truth be told, I didn't have much patience for anyone at that moment, but for Eleven, I would try. I hadn't seen someone like me in five years, especially not in the flesh. I figured I owed it to both of us to extend an olive branch.

"I was scared too," My words lingered in the air for a few moments before I continued. Eleven tensed as I leaned toward her. It's like she expected me to lash out or something. "They took me from my house... Drugged me, too. I woke up here and I had no idea where I was, and then Owen's told me I needed to help some girl I didn't know perform a world-saving miracle. I couldn't believe it."

"Truth be told, I still don't entirely believe it. But I chose to stay anyways," I paused. Eleven turned to face me. It was a subtle gesture, something I would've missed if I hadn't been looking for it. "You need friends in here, Eleven. So do I." I gestured to the door, "The people out there don't understand what it means to have abilities like ours. Now, you can continue giving me the silent treatment, if you'd like, but when something bad happens-- and it will happen-- I'm not going to be here to help."

She watched me in silence for a few moments longer. I could see the gears in her head whirring, assessing the risk factor that would come with choosing to trust anyone in a place like this. I was floored by the sense of familiarity that fell upon my shoulders. If I squinted my eyes just right, it was me sitting in her place, wide-eyed and terrified, desperate not to make the wrong move and get myself killed.

"In a police van," She eventually murmured.

I blinked. "What?"

"You asked me where they found me," She elaborated, pausing to carefully consider her words. "I was in a police van."

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