Bad Omens

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ITS BEEN LIKE A MONTH IM SO SORRY!!! But to make up for it here is a really long chapter. ALSO there's a Henry and sixteen scene so yay!

There are only like 2-3 more chapters bro that's crazy wtf.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this one!!!

ALSO JUST A QUICK PSA!! the relationship between sixteen and Henry is obviously not the healthiest, but IT IS ENTIRELY FICTIONAL!! YOU'RE ALLOWED TO FIND SOME THINGS HOT THAT U MIGHT NOT FIND HOT IN REAL LIFE LMAO

okay enjoy :)


When Dustin told me the part I'd play in our plan, I laughed. And I kept on laughing until I noticed that he wasn't. Then I wasn't, either.

'You have to be joking,' I had told him, waiting for the others to smile or give me any sort of indication that he wasn't serious. Instead, the tenuous silence had continued, and I realized they were indeed not joking.

Steve had pulled over near a large, open field. It was secluded enough that no one would stumble across it, and provided us with ample foliage to hide the stolen mobile home behind.

There was a sense of dread that I just couldn't shake. At first, I thought I was the only one who felt it, but as time ticked by I realized I wasn't. They were just better at pretending it wasn't there. I could hear it whenever we lapsed into silence, and as we unloaded our weapons into the clearing, I knew they could hear it too.

That was about thirty minutes ago.

Now, here I sat, a few dozen yards away from the rest of the group. I watched them quietly, laughing with one another and bickering over who got which weapon. Nancy was getting to work sawing off the barrel of a shotgun while Max watched. The two of them seemed comparably less cheery, trading nervous glances and whispered conversation.

Eddie and Dustin were stood over the lid of a trashcan, hammering nails into the back of it to create a makeshift shield. Erica and Lucas sat with one another, tugging on a roll of string. Steve and Robin were somewhere out of sight.

My part of the plan didn't require weapons, nor an accomplice.

I was supposed to close one of Henry's gates. It would weaken him, Dustin said, cut off some of his power.

All I knew was that the gate was in the middle of some road, and Henry had killed a boy named Fred to make it. Dustin didn't seem know anything else, so I figured it would be pointless asking.

I didn't tell him that I had no idea how to go about closing a gate. I also didn't tell him I was probably too weak to do it. I just nodded along, praying my lies weren't too obvious, and praying-- in spite of everything-- that something awful would happen and we'd have to postpone the idiocy they had planned.

A crow cawed somewhere over me. It kept breaking my focus, but I kept trying to ignore it. It circled me incessantly, as though I were its next meal. I gave in and watched it for a little while, its sleek black body gliding through the cloudy sky above.

I felt like I was watching ICU patients when I looked back at the group. I could feel the minutes ticking by, feel the heartbeats in their chests, knowing that they could be stopped by the end of the day. I had separated myself from them with the excuse that I had to meditate and prepare for my abilities for the task at hand. But, really, it was just a vain attempt to save face. Maybe if I stopped speaking to them right now, I could stop myself from growing more attached than I already was.

Watching them then, I knew it was fruitless. My chest clenched uncomfortably.

This was my fault, really. I got involved. Again. I got emotional. Again. And, just like last time, I would lose them. Again.

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