The Hawkins Lab Massacre

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omfg im so sorry for the late ass update. I'll explain at the end of the chapter!

For now enjoy tho


"Is anyone there?" My hands were clammy around Lucas' walkie-talkie, gripping it as though someone was trying to steal it away. I shot a paranoid glance over my shoulder, towards the Creel House. Once Henry had finished with me, and I found myself back on that porch, I didn't waste any time getting out of there. The house was merely a shadow at the other end of the road, now. One which got smaller and smaller as my legs worked to put as much distance between it and myself as possible.

The night air was cool. It breathed against my skin, humid as though it were mid-July and not late March.

My mind thundered with thoughts and anxieties that I had no clear method of dealing with. For a moment, I wondered if all that had just transpired was merely a dream. I wished it was just a dream. Here Henry was again, putting me in an impossible situation, forcing my hand. I knew better than to be upset, I knew better than to be surprised, but that didn't make it any easier.

Truthfully, I felt a little stupid. I should've known.

That didn't matter, though. I had bigger issues to deal with, the most concerning one being whether or not I was going tothe group about who Vecna truly was. On one hand, it would help them understand his motives better, and what exactly they were dealing with. I knew Henry, and I knew they were bound to get hurt if they kept pursuing him. Perhaps I could dissuade them from getting involved any further, tell them about his genius and all he had done in the lab. I had a nagging feeling that it wouldn't make much of a difference, though.

On the other hand, if I told them about Henry, I risked compromising myself in the process. I liked to think that Eleven's friends were warming up to me a little bit, but everything was still so tenuous. Perhaps they'd think I was working with him this whole time. How would I explain this to them? I snuck away from the group, lied about the reason why, all so I could meet Vecna on my own. Even if my intentions were pure, they had no way of knowing that. If I were them, I wouldn't trust me either.

"Guys, where are you?" I called into the walkie-talkie once more. It crackled incessantly, and I could do nothing but wait for someone to respond. Perhaps they got taken to the police station, and there were officers on the other end of the line, listening to my desperate pleas for someone to answer. "Someone please answer. This is important, okay, please just answer."

One moment passed, then another.


I nearly cried in relief as Dustin's voice filtered through the speaker.

"Dustin?" I called, "Where are you guys? I don't care if I get in trouble anymore, just tell me where to find you."

Another moment passed. For a second, I thought he wouldn't reply.

"We're at Eddie's trailer. Steve and the others might've gone through the gate in Lover's Lake."

My face fell, "What? Why would they do that?"

"Because they're stupid," He replied, "I think I might know how to get them back. I'll explain everything once you get here, okay?"

"Where's his trailer?"

"Use your superpowers."

"Wait, Dustin--."

I heard a click on the other end of the walkie-talkie, signaling he'd turned his off. I tried to call out to him a few times more, but when no response came, I knew my efforts were in vain. I cursed under my breath, well aware of my headache which had only just begun ebbing away. Using my abilities would be difficult after my and Henry's last encounter.

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