Wonderful Counselor

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January 6th 1987

Dorinda POV

Greg: So what did you want to talk about baby?

Dorinda froze, how on earth was she supposed to start this conversation? All those scenarios were running through her head once again.

Greg: Doe?

Dorinda: Huh?

Greg: What did you want to talk about honey? remember earlier on the phone you said we'd talk tonight

Dorinda: Oh yeah um...I have to tell you something

Greg: Okay what is it? Wait don't tell me it's twins!

Greg asked pointing down at her stomach.

Dorinda: No Greg it's not twins

Greg: Whew okay you had me nervous there for a second!

He laughed and took a sip of his water.

Greg: Okay so now tell me baby what's going on with you?

Dorinda took a deep breath before she spoke.

Dorinda: Honey, honestly I'm okay it was just the pregnancy hormones you know I was having a moment

She gave a fake laugh and smiled. She figured she'd just try to lie her way out of this conversation but just like her mother, Greg wasn't buying it.

Greg: Dorinda I know you, you sounded genuinely upset on the phone today. And also baby, I thought we talked about you pulling Nikki out of school

Dorinda: I didn't pull her out...I kept her home

Greg: That's worse Dorinda she's a little girl who needs an education!

Dorinda: I know! I'm sorry it's just, I'm lonely here all by myself

Greg: That's what your friends are for babe, like I said before, Karen was here almost every day and you and Kelli we're always together shopping or something. Why'd you stop hanging with them did something happen?

Dorinda: With them no but with me...yes

Greg: Okay what?

Dorinda held her head down trying so hard to hold back her tears. It was time to be honest with her husband.

Dorinda: I...I did something, something so wrong and I don't think you'll ever forgive me

Greg: This about what happened that night at your birthday dinner isn't it?

Dorinda's heart began to beat so fast she thought it was going to explode out of her chest! Did Greg see the little scene that went on with Drew? Did he piece it all together somehow?

Dorinda: You saw that?

Greg: You dragging Twinkie to the bathroom after she slipped up and told me what was going on?

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