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May 20, 1988

Karen's POV

Karen drove down the highway, and her head was pounding. This had to be some kind of extremely vivid nightmare, and she was bound to wake up anytime now. Why else would she be racing to her sister's house to ask about an affair with her husband? Her eyes darted back and forth between the road and Drew.

Karen: Why are you so calm?

Drew: Huh?

Karen: I said, Why are you so calm?

Drew: Because it's not true, Karen, I would never even think about messing around on you, especially with one of your sisters. I mean, that's just sick.

Drew sounded disgusted; this gave Karen a smidge of comfort, but not much. While she wanted to believe that John Drew wouldn't sleep with any of her siblings, Karen knew he had a big crush on Dorinda when they were young kids, and she caught him looking for longer than he should've whenever Doe wore a bathing suit or a tight dress. But she was the "sexy" sister, so that was normal, or so Karen thought. As they drove into the Cole's neighborhood, Karen couldn't help but feel jealous. Before today, she never cared about Doe and Greg being rich; in fact, she'd always been happy that her big sister lived a life of luxury and hoped that she and Drew would get there one day as well. But as she drove towards Dorinda's house, she thought that maybe the spoiled lifestyle her sister became accustomed to was what probably caused Doe to sleep with her husband in the first place.

Drew: Karen, sweetheart, are you sure you want to do this?

Karen: What?

Drew: I mean, baby, I promise you nothing happened; there's no need to even

Karen: Why would she lie?

Drew: I don't know; maybe she wants to be with me.

He said, shrugging. As hard as Karen tried to read his face, she couldn't. Drew seemed sort of unfazed.

Karen: Why on earth would she want you?

Drew's POV

"She wants to be with me because I fuck her like no one else ever has; she carried my child, and she loves me" is what Drew wanted to say, but instead he said:

Drew: Tsk, who knows?

They pulled into Dorinda's, seeing three cars parked in the driveway.

Drew: Who's car is that?

Karen: I think that's Elder Cole's truck.

Drew rolled his eyes. It was bad enough that this was happening, but now there's someone else involved in this shit too. The Sheards exited their vehicle, and while Karen walked quickly, Drew sure took his time walking up to the door and giving a light knock.

Karen: How are they going to hear that?

Karen gave the door five loud bangs, and she rang the doorbell a few times as well.

Drew: Karen!

Karen: What, Drew?

Drew: I just—this is crazy, I mean—

Before the man could finish his sentence, the door opened, with Greg's mother, who was holding Jr. ( who was asleep) in her arms, appearing on the other side.

Karen: Hey, Mama Cole, is my sister here?

Janet: Mhm, yeah, come on in.

She was gesturing for them to step inside.

Drew: Hey kid, how are you doing? You're getting so big, boy.

After Janet closed the door, she eyed Drew up and down; a look of pure disgust was evident on her face. As I looked at Karen, her face looked less sickened and more sympathetic.

Nikki: Auntie, Uncle Drew!

Nikki came running into the room, her arms stretched out as she ran into her youngest aunt's legs.

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