[[39]] Updated sexualites & pronouns

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Player - Pansexual // Intersex, he//they

Stoner - Gay, he//they

TheGentleman - Bicurious, he//him

Mr Cheese - Gay, he//it

Sheriff - Gay, he//him

Angel - Straight, she//her

BDay - Bisexual, he//they

Rose - Straight, she//her

Engineer - Nonbinary // Omnisexual // Intersex, he//they//she//it

Gnome - Pansexual // Sapiosexual, she//her

Mr Egg - FTM Transgender // Pansexual, he//him

Veteran - Bisexual // Gay, he//they

Greaser - Gay // Homosexual, he//him

Bro - FTM Transgender // Gay, he//him

Ninja - Bisexual, he//they

Captain - FTM Transgender, he//him

Mother - Straight Ally, she//her

Goober - Nonbinary // Genderfluid, she//he//they//it

PoopyFarts - Nonbinary // AroAce, he//it

Not-Orange - Homosexual // Gay, he//they

Blue - Homosexual // Gay, he//they

Freezy - Straight Ally, he//him

TheGentleman's Mentor - Closet Bisexual, he//him

SirClogswirth - FTM Transgender // Pansexual, he//him

Aiden - FTM Transgender // Bisexual, he//him

Punk - Homosexual // Gay // Genderfluid, he//she//they//it

Dum - MTF Transgender // Pansexual, she//her//it

Novisor - Homosexual, they//it

Duncan - FTM Transgender // Polyamory, he//it

Baggy - Nonbinary // Bicurious, he//she

Blondie - Straight Ally // Bicurious, she//her

Dr Doktor - Straight Ally // Bicurious, he//him

Player's mother - Straight Ally, she//her

Alan - Bisexual // Intersex, he//they

Ria - Lesbian, she//her

Hunter - Homosexual // Bicurious, he//they

Ms Pink - MTF Transgender // Lesbian, she//her

Noob - Straight, she//her

Hornsly - Bicurious, he//him

Hollywood - FTM Transgender // Pansexual, he//they//it

Vinny - Closet Bisexual, he//him

Flamingo - Straight Ally, he//him

Rookie - Bicurious, he//they

Cub - Nonbinary // Genderfluid, he//she//it//they

Happy - Closet Pansexual // Genderfluid, he//she//they//it

that's all of the characters i can think of lol

if i missed any just tell me in the comments

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