[[81]] May's profile (Next Gen AU)

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!! please don't take any of this in a bad way, it's only for fun/headcanons for _siicky_not_sick_ 's next generation au for aul !!

(besides may belongs to me since i came up with her lmfao)

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* Full name ; May Quinn Flynn (i'm giving her a hyphen.)

(ngl i use "flynn" from gnome's last name to use as engineer's last name since i never saw his canon name)

* Age ; 16

* Birthday ; October 25th

* Height ; 5'9ft / 175.26 cm

* Sexuality(s) ; Nonbinary, Polyamory, Pansexual

* Pronouns ; She/He/They

* Personality ; On edge (like shes had 20 cups of coffee), quiet/mute, slow (she walks rlly slow) & sarcastic


* She's probably a daddy's girl, considering she likes to hang out with Engineer almost everyday other than staying in her room.

* She owns a electric guitar that is light purple with a black skull on it - her favorite bands are Korn, Mudvayne & Rob Zombie. She also likes phonk remixes. She also likes Eminem, & her room is soundproof.

* She comes up with come-backs/insults like Larray. 100%.

* She hates Duchess to the bottom of her heart, sometimes she even beat the hell out of her for mocking Clover. And those times were ending up in sending Duchess to the school infirmary.

* As surprising as it is, she's in a relationship with both Damian & Kurayami despite seeming like she has none to little feelings. (she learned japanese for kurayami, she got as far to say "i love you".)

* She doesn't have a on-point bedtime. Her sleep schedule is EVERYWHERE, she most likely has insomnia due to not being able to get sleep until 12:am-1:am. And she doesn't wake up until like around the afternoon on the weekends (she sets an alarm for school-days since it's that bad.). She goes to her dad's lab or on her phone to try and see if passing the time works. She always says shes tired, but she can't sleep.

* Her curriculums are sewing, cooking, music, art, and learning German to Russian, Japanese as well.

* She probably likes weirdcore, bloodcore and Halloweencore. Her favorite time of the whole year is literally Halloween. Her bedroom is covered from floor to corner to wall in Halloween decor. She has a small area near her dresser that are pictures of her & her boyfriends and family to try and keep her self-esteem up.

* She has 0 windows in her bedroom. She hardly turns on her light - the only light that would come from her room would be her phone light or her laptop light. She has her door closed all the time though so that adds to it. I guess you could say she's nocturnal.

* She admires/watches Damian take his archery classes when she makes up room/time, by that I mean she sometimes skips one of her regular school classes.

* She also is photo-genic (despite not smiling much, she has dead facial features.). LOL I'm making up more stuff for her. And also, her humor is fucking broken, and dark.

welp i think that's all i got to share info for may at the moment

i hope you like what i came up for her ! :D

i think i spent a whole hour on writing this for may ,,, oof

cya !

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