[[106]] Some art

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I have a question to ask actually

Why do people read my stuff and not vote on it ?? Like ... Is my content genuinely bad or something ? .. I really want to know why it's so quiet for me ...

I think Spring break is coming up so hopefully things will be more busy around here ...

Cause it makes me sad when I get 0 notifications ..

And it makes me think no one likes my stuff ...
Also, if people who don't know English just came here to read my book, they need to stop because I can only like ... Speak 3 languages tops

Anyways ... Moving on from my depressive mood that might catch on to others, I have some art I'd like to share

And, it includes a little gift for _siicky_not_sick_ !!

It's a silly little idea hehee

I drew May in Britney Spears' Baby One More Time outfit :3

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Everyone : 😨

Damian and Kurayami : 😳

And the aftermath was this /j

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I'm not done, you say ?

Well, I wanted to announce that I'm making a few new AUs soon.

And those are ...

Invader Zim and Genshin Impact AUs !

Here's some art for the Invader Zim AU first.

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I don't have any art for the Genshin Impact AU soooo ... I'm just gonna list what elements Player's family have ...

Player - Pyro or Anemo

Dum - Dendro or Pyro

Mum - Electro

Alan - Geo or Anemo

I haven't planned anything else for other characters so uh- Yea.

Anyways, until we meet again !

AUL//Gametoons book 2 (mimedoodles)Where stories live. Discover now