[[88]] Revealing my DOORS x AUL AU.

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_siicky_not_sick_ i'm dragging you into this au since i thought it would be funny

if i participated in your au, you participate in mine /silly

hey yall

did i ever tell any of you about my doors x aul au ?

no ?


well, i've kept it to myself since late 2022 since i kept forgetting to publish that i had it or just thought that i still had it "under construction" aka, a wip

so, i'm here today to finally reveal some stuff about it ! get ready to read a lot for this one

(the original date i created this was december 9th 2022 i believe, since i had wrote the stuff down in a notebook)


Player, Veteran, Captain, Engineer, Gnome, Mr Cheese, TheGentleman, Dum, Novisor, Mother, Alan, Pirate/Captain, Ninja (i think thats all ?)

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