Chapter 17: Back to Reality

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It is Monday, and Zac and Fatima have landed back in Atlanta.

"I am exhausted," said Fatima.

"You should stay the night here," Zac suggested.

"Yea, it's probably the best idea."

Fatima and Zac get in the shower. Then they cuddle up next to each other and fall asleep.

The next day they wake up around noon. With the long flight and the time difference, they were extremely tired. Zack gets up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Fatima.

"I have to go to the office to make a few calls. Would you like to come with me, and we can get a bite to eat on the way?"

"Ok, sounds good. Give me a few minutes to get dressed. This is my last pair of clean clothes. Afterward, can you drop me off at Mimi's?"

"You mean Madam?"

"Yeah, but I'm not calling her that."

"Oh. Where do you want to eat?" Asked Zac.

"Panera Bread is fine."

They head to Panera Bread and then the office.

"I could get used to this."

"What being spoiled?"

"Well, that and having someone to listen to what I want and need."

He puts his hand on her leg to comfort her.

"I've always wanted to ask you what you saw in him. I mean I was trying to be respectful."

"He's a good guy, really nice."

"But he's not me?" He winks.

Fatima looks at him and agrees.

"But he doesn't get me like you do. I mean we've known each other for half our lives, and he probably doesn't know my favorite color or song. Like the house thing, he didn't even care what I liked. He's like a male version of my mom, they mean well, but it's all about them. Shoot she wanted us to get married more than I did."

"So, was it more like an arranged marriage?"

"Well, I'm not going to say that, but..." she paused for a minute, "I guess so. I mean I loved him and I still do, and if you hadn't come around, I would have even gone through with the marriage. I wouldn't have been happy though."

Since high school, we had talked about waiting for marriage before sex. We would be each other's first, finish college, get married, and then have kids. I was really in love with him until my senior year of college. He went away to college, while I went to school here."

"What happened senior year?"

"It was the summer right before our senior year. He cheated on me. He was at a party with his line brothers. They made a bet that he wouldn't have sex with this girl. So, he did it. When he came home that summer, he told me. We had a huge fight and broke up for almost a year. It was our parents who forced us to get back together. My mom kept telling me how perfect he was for me.

"Did they know what he did?"

"Nope, my parents still think he is this perfect little virgin, that could do no wrong."

Zac shakes his head. "Did he even fight to get you back?"

"He begged and apologized. He promised not to do it again. We got back together, graduated, and he came back home."

"So how long has it been since ya'll got back together?"

"About 5 or 6 years. You know because of our parents and religious views we decided not to live together either until marriage, so he moved back in with his parents. I've been living with my parents the entire time, and then decided to go back to school."

Zac looked confused, "He couldn't at least get his own place?"

"Well, he was saving up for a house "our house."

"You mean that ugly house that he just bought?"

Fatima laughs.

"Anything else you want to know Mr. Taylor?"

"Can I be honest T? I like you and care about you. I want to be with you, but I know it's probably too soon considering you just got out of a long-term relationship."

"I respect that. You're such a gentleman."

"How do you feel about me? No pressure, just pure honesty."

"Honestly, I like you. I feel like I can talk to you about anything. I don't know if I'm ready to get into another relationship yet, but I don't want to lose you."

"Let's not give it a title and just go with the flow for now, but I will make you mine eventually."

She blushes hard.

Afterwhile, they make it to the office, eat, and Zac makes his calls. When they are done, he takes her to Madam's.

Madam opens the door. "Looks like someone had fun," she said.

"Yes, I did," said Fatima.

"Well, everyone has been looking for you."

"I guess it's time to face reality. Thanks, Cuz, for everything. I'm going to head home."

"Let me know how it goes," Madam said. "My house is available if you need to come back."

"Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too."

Fatima gets in her car and drives home.

Once she arrives, she takes a deep breath and goes in.

She tries to get up the steps before anyone catches her.

"Fatima Rene' Wilson! Where the hell have you been?"

"It doesn't matter Mom."

"It does matter. Your wedding was three days ago."

"Mom, I told you the wedding was canceled."

"What is your problem?"

"What is my problem? I'm a grown woman and I'm tired of everyone treating me like a child. I'm sick of following everyone's rules and lifestyle, but my own."

"Well then get out. My house, my rules."

"You ain't said nothing, but a word." Fatima walks off and calls Andi. She asked Andi if she could stay with her."

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