Hanging Out

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Beth's P.O.V

I hopped into the shower as soon as I could so as to make the most of it and got out a good 30 minutes later. I don't know why but I like longer showers it feels good and sets my mind at ease and today I could really use that feeling. I got dressed and then grabbed some toast before leaving for the bus since my parents would never trust me with a car. Once I did get to school I saw a ford focus pulling and parking it was a good car and I was surprised to see it was Anna driving it. Anna was usually here before me so I never knew if she had a car and she most likely walked to my house to babysit. 

"Hey," I said as I walked over to her.

"Oh hey," Anna said after she saw it was me.

"So did you give any thought to my request from last night," I asked.

"Yes, and I also noticed that your family has some religious ties I remember seeing them the other night," Anna said.

"Yeah, but it is just my mum and dad they aren't forcing me and my brother to be all Cristain that means no saying grace and no weekly church visits," I said a little happy about it.

"Okay but regardless if they are religious my advice is don't tell them at least until you are 18 and they no longer have a hold on you," Anna said.

"I was afraid of that," I said.

"Well does it really matter I mean from what I saw you are not that close with them so when you move out you won't have to do what they say," Anna said. 

"Yeah but close or not they're still my parents," I said.

"Right, well I have a test for my final period so I'll be in the library if you need me during lunch or first break," Anna said.  

"Okay cool see ya," I said as I left to go to my homeroom.

When I got to my homeroom the only one of my friends there was Issac so I took the seat next to him.

"Sup nerd," I said.

"I have been called into a disciplinary hearing for lunch today," Issac said looking at the notice in his hands.

"Oh my god what did you do," I said fearing what I might hear.

"That's the thing I don't know, is it possible that they my name down by mistake as a typo," Issac said.

"Maybe but you have done some pretty questionable things in this school," I said.

"Yeah, but I never actually got punished for any of it," Issac said.

"Only because you never got caught," I said.

"Whatever the meeting is at lunch today so I have some time to think up a good excuse for whatever the reason other calling me in is," Issac said. 

"Well good luck with all that," I said as the teacher arrived and the day began. 

As I went through the day and my classes I just kept thinking about what Anna told me about my family. I know that they are religious and all and yes I am a problem child but parents it not have we really ever been that close maybe telling them will be the final straw I need to cut ties with them. And then therevwas the fact that Anna also hadn't told her mother and that she still didn't know how. When first brake rolled around I went to the library and found Anna studying on the second floor as I walked over she looked up and gave me a small smile.

"So what test are the studying for," I asked.

"English," Anna said gesturing to the textbooks open around her.

"Any idea what the test is going to be based on," I asked as I sat down.

"If I had to guess it will most likely be on Shakespeare," Anna said.

"What kind of play do know or Shakespeare in general," I asked.

"Hamlet," Anna said.

"Need help," I said.

"No I'm almost done just need to make sure I understand the motivation of the two lead characters for this scene," Anna said as she scanned the textbook one last time.

I sat with her for a few minutes before she stopped working on her notes and began to stretch. She then looked at me and closed her books before she spoke again.

"So what do you do for fun exactly because feel you and I have very different ideas of fun," Anna said.

"Well I usually just do what the others in my friend group do but if we're talking when I'm alone and have no one to hang with I don't know I could do any number of things, what about you," I asked.

"Well I don't have a set friend group that I hang with but to keep myself entertained I will most likely be listing to music, gaming or writing," Anna said.

"Really I never would have thought of you as a gamer girl," I said.

"I just play a little bit in the mornings I wouldn't call myself a gamer," Anna said.

"Okay so what do you write," I asked.

"Just a few fictional stories," Anna said.

"Can I read them," I asked.

"There nothing special but there online if you want," Anna said handing me a srap of paper with a website on it.

I was about to ask another question when the bell to signal the end of brake sounded. I had a double Physics period next so I smiled at Anna and told her I would see her later before heading to my class. I took the seat in the very back and looked out the window I saw that Anna had PE and it was football. As I watched the lesson I saw that Anna was not only very good at the sport itself but her body was also very athletic it was very hard too look away.

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