Ex for a reason. (29)

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^Ryan Instastory*

garden homes, detroit.

Ryan sat in the bed actively breastfeeding Sevyn. Kali was on her dad's side of the bed scrolling on her tablet calmly allowing her mom to take her braids out.

Chance walked in.

"The hell they both still up for?"

"Ask em." Ryan shrugged.

"Kali Angel, what you doin up girl?" He scooped her up giving her kisses.

Sevyn was teething, feeding her did hurt.

Chance was holding Kali on his shoulder, turning his attention to Sevyn.

"MaMa!" Sevyn swung her head with a smile.

"That's my mommy." He tossed Kali in the bed.

Ryan thought it was cute. But all he did was get them hype, though.

"That's my mommy!" Chance hollered hugging Ryan's waist.

"Please Big." Ryan scrunched her face.

Sevyn was now reached for her dad. She thought it was for sure playtime. Ryan was exhausted today, she found out last month that it might be too late to sign Kali up of anything summer camp related; close in proximity.

Ryan hasn't given up though. Kali need something to do.

Chance is so involved and hands on with Chandler's sports he is sometimes never home, because after being Coach Dad, he's back to juggin. And the 7 days Chan isn't with us, you can bet Chance is there before any parent.

"I got 2 more braids, than can you put them to bed?"


"Alright Princess' come on." He scooped Kali and Sevyn off the bed.

"Take everything out her crib. She only need a blanket and bink." Ryan informed.

Ryan got out the bed. Tripping over Kali's things.

Silly string, bubbles, candy, coins, rappers.

"Kali loves the Carnival. Check." Ryan shook her head with a smile. Just not enough energy to pick anything up. She kicked it to the corner of their room.


"Y'all had fun at that carnival." Chance laughed coming back in the bedroom.

"Yeah we did. Did you see her fish?"

"Nah." Chance said pulling his shirt off.

"We'll she gotta fish and she named that motherfucker jumpy."

"Juuuumpppy?" Chance made a face with a laugh.

"Yeah the people put it in a bottle and she said "mommy this thing keep jumping." I told her "that's what fish breathing looked like..."

"She wasn't convinced?" Chance clasped and laughed.

"She was not. She was not letting me explain."

"She's funny as hell. What was Sevyn doin?" Chance asked getting in the bed.

"She was with Brea. I didn't take nobody but Kali."

"Oh yeah?"

"I just wanted a day with me and her. She went from being the only child, to the middle child. My only child, to my oldest child."

"I get it." Chance nodded.

Ryan nodded.

"Life did go crazy for a second."

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