Giver and Receiver

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She nods, so I start by unbuttoning her shirt. Exposing her bust sent a shock of arousal, but I tried to ignore it. I scoot her up to the middle of the bed and lay her down.

Her eyes shine with want and embarrassment. I smile as I take hold of her pants and underwear. She lifts her hips, and I slip them off to toss them aside.

I looked back, and her legs were closed. I slide my hands up her calves to then grip her knees. I kiss her knee and rest my chin on her knee.

She lets out a shaky breath, "You sure you've never done this before?"

I frown, "I wouldn't do this to just anyone."

"I don't mean it in a bad way. You are making me flustered, is all."

His legs relax, and I part them, her thighs, and her folds were glistening with her arousal. Her body shivers, and I see her nipples harden as she whines.

"Don't stare too much, Nai."

I try to keep my composure, "What next [F/N]?"

"Do you want to do this? It's embarrassing to explain."

I nod, "I want to."

"It's like...kissing but...down there."

She points and gives the basic info of her anatomy, on where to use my mouth or fingers. I took the information to heart as it looked to be difficult for her to say without embarrassment.

I nod, "I will try my best."

She smiles and touches my cheek and then my beauty mark. It felt nice,

"I'll be sure to guide you."

I get down, laying on my stomach, to hover over my destination. Her thighs weren't as damp from the air hitting it, but her folds were still wet. I look up again, and she nods.

I wrap my arms around her thighs to bring her closer to my mouth. I flatten my tongue and glide it up her slit. Her body trembles, and her legs try to close.


I move one arm to push onto her right thigh, to keep her legs open, to then continue giving slow licks. It was strange but not unpleasant. I kiss her bud before giving a light suction of my tongue.

She lets out a yelp and grips my hair, but not pushing me away. I continued to use my tongue in the place she said to. Her body was shaking, and it was definitely what I was hoping for.

My body begins to move on its own, and I begin grinding into my bed. The feeling was making me quake, too. I moan into her core, and she lets out another shaky moan.
I move my hand to insert my fingers. Her grip on my hair tightened.

"Nai... ngh don't stop...please don't stop. Please don't stop."

The thrusts of my fingers and the thrusting against my bed were driving me insane. I stop holding her legs open for her to wrap them around me. Holding me in place as she grinds herself against my wanting mouth.

I keep the pace that she wants. I remember her telling me, 'If she says don't stop. Don't go faster or slower to keep the same pace.' So I listened to her pleading, and I can feel myself nearing my release again.

"Nai-I I'm gonna ngh please Nai."

I reach up and intertwine her fingers with mine as I moan into her, wanting heat. She lets out a whine as her legs tighten around me, her hips jerking, and her body shaking as her release rocks through her, my body trembles as my release hit as well, my knives coming out but I make sure to direct them away from her.

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