Meeting and Curiosity

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I furrow my brows in frustration. Trying to calculate a solution.

“Just one. Let me save just one.”

Their power was dwindling, and our species was to blame. Do we even deserve to live when they die to help us survive? Could I gather their final power burst and merge it all into one Plant?

The others have left to aid a disturbance call, so now was my chance. At the exact moment for the power to be distributed to the city, I returned the power to one Plant. The red plants suddenly turned black. I curse in frustration when one suddenly lit up a blue color.

“I…I did it. I was able to save you.”

I touch the glass as the Plant goes back to its resting position. I exhale strongly, not knowing that I was holding my breath. I take a seat and gather all of the intelligence on how I managed to pull it off.

I was printing the paperwork when I heard footsteps…I’m going to be fired or worse for this. I turn and get ready to apologize for my insolence when there are two people that I don’t know.

“Excuse me…this is a private facility. May I ask how you got in here…and why you are here?”

The male with a brown cloak stared at the plant while the other male got closer.

“How did one survive… did you save the plant?”

I retreat, gripping my paperwork, “I don’t know who you are. I can not discuss classified information.”

The male with the brown cloak walks to the Plant, touching the glass, to suddenly have the plant wake. He looked at me, and his face had markings like the plants… beautiful.

“Why did you save the Plant?”

I pause, thinking of my ideals…what would others think?

“Where are the others? Why are you here?”

The one in the cloak scoffs and suddenly shows a blade. I retreat again, having a tighter grip on my paperwork.

“My coworkers… did you kill them… are you going to do the same to me?”

“That all depends on your answer.”

“Why did I save the Plant?… They are living, just like me. Why should they live to just die because of our greed…I rerouted the power back to a Plant during their final burst of energy. I was unsure that it would work, but I was desperate.”

He says, “You realize that you doomed your city and its people…even yourself.”

I saddened at the thought, “Doesn’t the Plant’s life mean something too?”

The male comes closer with his friend following him. He stops in front of me.

“I agree with you. Their lives mean more to me than you could ever know.”

He looked at my hands that was gripping the paperwork.

“May my comrade take a look at your findings?”

I nod, and the other male takes a look at them.

“This work was well crafted and executed. How long have you been planning this?”

“A long time. Seeing everyone treating them as mere batteries… it’s sickening. I had to do something.”

The male in the brown cloak takes off his hood. As I got a better look at him, I saw that he was a striking young man, even without the Plant markings.

“My name is Millions Knives. I plan to take this plant and free my brethren from slavery. Your work is exceptional for my goal.”

“I’m happy to have helped... I guess.”

A Life With You: Knives × Reader 🌶Where stories live. Discover now