Love and Family

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As we waited for Conrad, I noticed that my cycle was late, no surprise there. Once the doctor gave us the news is when everything changed. If I thought Nai was attentive before… he was a Million times worse.

Every day, he would cook, clean, and massage my shoulders and scalp. He absolutely loved talking to my belly, especially when I started to show. Soon after that was when the patterns showed. My entire body was covered, mostly prominent on my stomach.

There were some days when I would feel under the weather and he wouldn’t leave my side. Any time I would try to do something on my own, he would protest. Our showers together were still very romantic.

His touches were careful, and he would be on his knees, kissing my stomach. Afterward, he would always make sure that my body was well moisturized, and then he would rest his head on my lap, kissing my stomach again.

He would then make sure that I was in a comfortable position before I would rest my head in his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair.

As the due date neared, Nai put me in the sleeping pod to wait for Conrad to arrive.


I watched as she slept when there was a sudden bang from inside the ship. I rush to it, my knives out and ready to kill anyone who would disturb us. My heart jumps in my throat as I see him.


He looked angry, “Why did you tell them that I helped save them. You aren’t even going to save them… are you?”

“I let them live… isn’t that enough for you? I was able to keep both alive. What more do you want from me?”

“You… You killed so many. Then suddenly stop. What are you planning?”

“They cleared your bounty. You are viewed as a Hero. Why come here?”

“Because it doesn’t make sense, Nai! And I’m going to figure out what you are hiding… even if I have to tear this ship apart.”

I am in turmoil as he still persists that I’m the enemy. He began shooting as me and throwing his fists and kicks at a fast pace. He landed a few hits as I tried to explain.

“I will never set foot outside of this ship again. I will leave everyone alone. I don’t want the life I envisioned for us anymore. I found what I wanted.”

He yells, “I don’t believe you. For how long will this new goal keep you satisfied? You will never stop, and you will never change.”

Wolfwood POV

I sneak past them and go to the pods. As I take a glance, I sigh.

“So he really did it. I thought they were lying. It changed her biology, too? How interesting. She is now an Independent like them. Let’s wake you up and get them to stop fighting.”

I open the pod, and she awakens. She looks and is startled to see me.

“Knives needs you in the main lobby. His brother is causing him trouble… maybe you can talk some sense into them.”

She nods as she runs off. I chuckle and light a cigarette.


He continued to fight and not listen… it actually felt familiar, except it was the other way around. I know I don’t deserve his forgiveness. I wish he could see through our differences.

He shoots me, causing me to lose balance. I suddenly hear her scream out.


My ears began to ring… why was she awake? Why was she here? I turn, and Vash looks her way.

A Life With You: Knives × Reader 🌶Where stories live. Discover now