Pleading and Breeding

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The next time I woke up, it was more of a professional experience. We had a meeting and I had to work hard on our plans. The others were pleased with my abilities and now knew exactly how much of an asset I was.

The man with dark hair and black clothes sat next to me as I worked.

“You altered in any way?”

I look over for a second before continuing to work.


“Interesting. What did you do to get lumped in with us?”

“I was able to save a Plant…that’s pretty much it.”

His eyes widen, “So you’re the one that Knives will fuss over.”

“He just doesn’t want his hard work to go to waste.”

I look over, and he eyes me, “I’m sure it’s just your “work ethic” that interests him.”

He gets up, grabbing his cross, before leaving. I continue to work when the door slides open. I glance, and it’s Nai. I turn back to my work when his arms wrap around my waist, kissing my shoulder to lead to my neck.

“Take a break.”

I save my work before turning my head to kiss him. His hands move up, cupping and kneading my breasts. I instinctively push myself more into him and his touches.

“Everyone will be gone tomorrow and will stay gone for a while. I made sure for us not to be interrupted.”

I was a bit confused until I realized what he meant. My cheeks flush, and my body immediately begins to react to the thought of what tomorrow will bring. He looks at me and smirks.

“I can barely contain myself. You get plenty of rest tonight. I’ll need you to be well rested because I plan to breed too thoroughly.”

I whine slightly at the thought. He touches my cheek.

“Don’t be making those noises yet [F/N]. I’m doing my best here…there are still a few of my comrades here. I wish to share this moment with you and only you. I don’t want anyone else to hear your beautiful voice when you call out to me.”

I make my body calm, and we go to his room. We cuddle like we normally do, and he fell asleep with me.

I awake feeling a burning in the pit of my stomach. I instinctively moved but was held. My eyes focus on seeing Nai between my legs. He was doing what he did before, grinding against his bed as he ate me out. He looks at me and nips at my thigh.

“Good morning… I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”

My body was trembling, I still felt the haze of sleep as he stared at me. He sits up and gets closer and kisses me.

“I’ll make you breakfast and let you wake up a bit more.”

I pat his cheek, “Thanks for the pleasant wake-up.”

He chuffs with a smirk before getting up. He wasn’t wearing any clothes and slipped on his robe before stepping out. I look down to see that my robe is open.

I looked over, and at the end table was a vase with beautiful flowers that I couldn’t explain. They were purple, black, and a bioluminescent blue. I smelled them, and they were a sweet smell.

I shower to wake myself up. I stretch and brush my teeth before going to the kitchen. It smelled good. He didn’t cook for himself, so it was a nice and rare sight. He sets the table and we eat with small talk.

Nai says, “I also purchased supplements to rejuvenate our hydration and electrolytes.”

I blush, “That’s good. We’ll have a use for it.”

A Life With You: Knives × Reader 🌶Where stories live. Discover now