Obsession and Loneliness

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It has been around 150 years, with the doctor and [F/N] sleeping. I had to get others on my side. Calling themselves the Gung-Ho-Guns. The doctor helped better some of them before going back to sleep.

I had them all leave before going to the sleeping pods. Everything was the same as the day I met her. It's such an interesting creature. She hasn’t said a word in almost 150 years.

I suddenly think about Elendira…A Plant/Human hybrid. It made me sick to think of her but curious if it could work the natural way. I’ve read enough now to know how humans reproduce.

They have interesting customs, and I would be lying if I said that it didn’t sound pleasant when I thought about [F/N] many times over. The thought of their religious books calling this feeling wrong or sinful sent electricity through my body.

I press the correct buttons to wake her. She’s about 5 years too early, but it won’t hurt. Her vitals were stable, and her eyes opened slightly.


“Let’s get you to a shower.”

She was staring at me, and it made my heart race.

“You look different…older…how long-“

“Let’s get this taken care of first.”

She nods, and I help her to a wheelchair since humans are always unsteady after this long of sleep. Seeing her need me was exhilarating. I left her to relieve herself and reenter once she was finished.

She frowns, “I’m sorry that you’re having to help me. You must feel disgusted.”

I frown, “Let me make my assumptions about how I feel.”

I start the shower and sit her in a shower chair. I reached for her shirt, and she flinched, and her face turned red.

“K-Knives…I can undress.”

“I am not human, so I am unfazed and not attracted to the human body.”

She looked unsure but agreed to let me help. I reach for her shirt when my hand feels a fleshy but soft round mound. ‘This must be one of her breasts. It feels nice.’ I squeeze it, and she lets out a noise.

I look at her, and her eyes are glossy. I swallow hard but unbutton her shirt and part it. The steam added a slight dampness to her chest. I felt as if steam was hitting my face as I stared.


His cheeks were as red as mine,


He looks at me and then clears his throat,

“Let's get you cleaned up.”

I nod and finish taking off my shirt before lifting it slightly. He grips my pants and takes them off carefully. I tried to look away, but his eyes on me felt that of someone who was aroused. I looked at him, and I noticed that he had an erection in his suit.


His breath was heavy, “Yeah?”

I pointed out his problem, and his eyes softened,

“Oh. It will go away on its own. My mating rituals are done artificially. But I guess since the independents have a more human appearance…I guess I have some human-like reactions.”

“How can you say that with a straight face.”

“It’s science.”

“You said you were not attracted to humans.”

A Life With You: Knives × Reader 🌶Where stories live. Discover now