Chapter one: A Shot In The Dark: Part one

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Chapter one: A Shot In The Dark: Part one

 Amity Blight had always loved nature, the sound of birds chirping, the chill wind whistling as it blew. Who wouldn't love it? She often came to the forest to relax, or more accurately, to train. From a young age Amity had an unusually large bile sack and unnaturally potent mana. Unfortunately for her she had trouble controlling it. The isolation of the forest helps her focus and keep herself from potentially harming others


Amity screeched as she nearly obliterated a tree. For most witches her age a show of power like that would be something to celebrate, but not for amity. For amity her training was almost entirely focused on suppressing her power. Her parents would berate her constantly for not being able to do so. They have hired many trainers over the years to no avail. So many trainers that amity had lost count at some point. It's one of the reasons Amity started to train alone in the forest, the other reason being guilt. Amity started to whisper somberly in her head.

"I can't do anything properly. Mom and Dad were right. I'm just an abomination. A freak. A fai-"

Amity was suddenly snapped out of her trance by the sound of a spell being cast


Followed by the sound of a body hitting the soft forest floor, leaves crumbled, a twig snapped, and could swear she heard a faint voice whisper in pain.


Amity was frightened stiff. In all her years training in the forest she has never come across another witch in the forest. Let alone a witch that was also training, and given the sounds she heard after the spell was cast she doubted it was just training. Amity stayed still hoping whoever or whatever it was didn't know she was there. After a moment she heard someone shuffling around and what she thought were the sounds of someone searching through a backpack or some other type of bag. Another moment passed before she heard the rapid footsteps of someone running out of the forest.

A painful wave of curiosity washed over the green haired witch. Like a voice in her subconscious pressuring her to turn around. The witch hadn't realized that she was still staring at the nearly toppled tree... at her failure. The witch shook her head trying to stop herself from mentally beating herself again. Also in an attempt to stop her from giving into the voice pressuring her. It was a futile effort.

"I-is someone there" the witch said in a rather hushed voice while she turned to face where the sounds came from.

As she finished turning she could see that there was no one. That was until her gaze lowered. What she saw was a body lying on its stomach, it was still in one piece, the body wasn't lying face down instead it was facing away from Amity so that she could only see the back of the person's head, they were wearing a green hoodie, blue jeans, and purple shoes. There was a small purple and white backpack with a cat face and ears on it, to be honest had the situation been different amity would have found it cute, the bag was open and seemed to have been rifled through. It had taken a moment for amity to spot that the body had a massive scorch mark on its back, it had burned through the victims hoodie and charred their back. If the witch hadn't already put it together the sounds she heard earlier weren't from training. She suddenly felt an urge to see the victim's face.

Amity approached the body and kneeled down reaching a hand out and turning it over by pulling at its shoulder. The victim had messy hair, although it seemed to have been styled that way rather than being a result of... the situation, the victims hair was dark brown in color, they had tan skin and lovely brown chocolate like eyes, the expression on their face was one of terror, pain, but most of all sadness. Amity shot up to a standing position before stumbling and falling to a seated position. She was scared, the weight of the situation and finally set in. An innocent teen was murdered, and she just touched the body. That alone would be bad enough but it was going to get a lot worse.

"why" the voice that Amity had heard earlier had spoken again. But this time it didn't sound confused and sad but angry and bitter. Amity took her eyes off the corpse to look for who was speaking. It didn't take more than a second for Amity to see the speaker. The same girl that lay in front of her stood across from her own body staring into the forest.

"Why didn't you do anything." The girl's words felt less like a question and more like a demand.

"What?" Amity said, confused. She thought that she was losing her mind. How could this be happening? She must have gone mad, it wouldn't exactly be out of the question. She was under constant pressure, she did just have a small mental break only a few seconds ago.

"You were right there" the dead girl had turned around and was pointing in the direction of where amity was training "You heard what was happening and you did nothing."

Amity had realized that she could almost see through the girl. She also realized the way the girl was speaking was calm but also bitter, angry, and accusative. The girl was blaming her, Amity Blight, for her murder.

"You could have saved me."

"THIS ISN'T MY FAULT?" Amity blurted angrily and defensively. She stood up and noticed that the girl was ever so slightly taller than her.

"..." the dead girl stood in silence for a moment taken aback by Amity's outburst.

Amity stumbled back realizing what happened, she just yelled at a see through dead person, "you aren't real. I've finally gone insane...'

The ghostly figure approached Amity, the air suddenly getting colder, the figure was now no more than a foot in front of Amity gripping the young witches upper arm sending a sudden shiver down her spine as she felt the cold grip on her arm, "still think im fake"


Amity didn't respond but a feeling of anger, fear, confusion, and surprisingly guilt was bubbling inside of her.

"Good" the ghost let out a sigh as if she was relieved that amity realized she was real, almost like the girl herself was unsure of her authenticity, "now. Let me explain how this is gonna work."

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