Chapter seven: Shattered trust.

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Chapter seven: Shattered trust.

"What?" Amity asked, her voice tired after the events of the day. She uncovered her face to look at Luz who was looking down at the witch.

"You were a bully. You need to apologize to uh... Willow." Luz said in a stern voice, Amity was still seated but was now averting her gaze. Amity wanted to apologize to Willow but it was clear from their earlier interaction that Willow didn't want amity near her.

"I already tried. Willow doesn't want to speak to me." Amity didn't blame Willow for hating her, Amity wished she could make it all better but she knew it was too late for that. However, Luz was less than willing to let the topic go.

"Maybe she would be more willing to hear you out if you returned her glasses?" Luz's words confused Amity for a moment, "what does she mean return her gla- oh" Amity then realized that she had Willow's broken glasses in her pocket.

Amity dug through her pockets to find the glasses pulling them out when she finally succeeded. "Fuck, there broken, if i bring them to Willow like this she'll blame me." Amity started to worry about what would happen if she brought the glasses to Willow.

"So, are we going to bring them to her?" Amity looked at Luz, the human's tone had changed from stern and disappointed to her normal chipper tone. Luz was very much forcing the tone hoping that her happiness would persuade amity to do the right thing.

"I can't, if I bring them to her, broken, she'll hate me."

"Well isn't there a repair spell you can do?"

"No, a spell like that would be insanely powerful. Being able to fix anything instantly with one spell is crazy, and using a spell like that on glasses would be... a waste."

"Oh... well can't you get them fixed somehow? There has to be a glasses-repair-shop-thing somewhere, right?"

"There is a repair shop nearby. They usually repair machines and stuff but I guess they should be able to fix these." Amity was now determined to get the glasses fixed and get them to Willow. Luz was clearly upset with her after learning about her being a bully in the past, and for some reason that Amity didn't understand she didn't want to lose Luz..... even if it was inevitable.

"GREAT! Let's go and fix your friendship with Willow!" Luz was now genuinely happy, and that made Amity happy. Amity stood up and got ready to go as Luz was practically jumping with excitement. "This is like something out of a book. A good girl turned bad gets the help of a stranger to make her good again. And maybe Willow can help us with the ghost thing. Maybe she can help us..... solve my..." Luz was quick to stop thinking about her death and to start thinking about what Willow was like. Luz couldn't help but be dying(sorry) with curiosity about what happened between her and Amity.

"Ok, Luz, I'm ready le- '' Amity was cut off when Luz grabbed ahold of her left hand. The green haired witch was now glowing red, she heard Luz say something along the lines of "let's go" but she wasn't paying attention. Amity had an epiphany in that moment "i dont want this to end, i dont want her to go..." but her thought was cut off when Luz started walking, pulling amity with her.

Luz lead Amity through the door before turning to the right and walking down the sidewalk. Luz had a bright smile on her face, while Amity was blushing. The witch finally snapped back to reality and noticed that Luz was going the wrong way.

"Um, Luz. Other direction."

"Oh, my bad"

The two girls turned around and started walking towards the repair shop. After a few minutes of walking, a question started to form in Amity's head. "I know its probably nothing but.... Why does luz care about me and willow. I know luz is a good person but she gets nothing from helping me apologize to willow.". Amity had been raised to believe that nothing is without a price, so what was Luz's price? What did she want from Amity other than Amity's help to pass away? Eventually the green haired witch built up enough courage to ask.

"Uhm Luz, I wanted to ask, why are you helping me?"

"Because.... It's what friends do" the human looked at Amity giving her a large smile before looking away. "Friends? Does she really see me as a friend?" Amity smiled at the thought. She was happy that Luz would consider her a friend. She was happy that, after nearly eight years, she finally had a true friend, and not someone that she was forced to be friends with. "If this works, if i can befriend willow again, maybe she can help luz." Amity's joy faded into sadness at the thought. For some reason, she didn't want to let Luz go. "I.... love he-".

"Amity, I think we're here!" Amity was unable to finish her thought, but she already knew what it was. Amity looked where Luz was looking, there it was, Manny's Mad Repairs.

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