Chapter eight: Repaired lens

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Chapter eight: Repaired lens

" 'its what friends do?' Really luz? Ughhh why didn't I just tell her that I was bullied? Does she even think of us as friends?..... I hope she does." Luz had finished her thought when she and Amity entered the shop. Luz was in awe looking at all the items and decorations in the shop. There was a broken wand on a desk to her left, a shattered crystal ball to her right, and much more.

Amity walked up to the front desk and Luz floated behind her. The man at the front desk was wearing goggles, a brown aviator-esque jacket, brown leather gloves, and blue jeans. The man at the desk had red skin, black hair that was tied in a bun, and slight stubble.

"Welcome to Manny's Mad Repairs, what did you break?" The man was uncaring and bored when he spoke. Amity handed over the broken glasses and the man examend them. "Really? Glasses? Fine. it'll take an hour to fix so... go away." the man waved Amity away.

Amity huffed and walked away, Luz followed behind her. The green haired witch sat on a bench outside of the shop and Luz plopped down next to her. Amity started to fidget with her hands and Luz started to swing her legs. Amity pulled out her scroll and started to browse penstagram, Amity noticed Luz trying to peek at her screen so she tilted her scroll so Luz could see.

"What's that?" Luz said pointing at a photo. Amity answered Luz's question, "Really? That's awesome!" Amity couldn't help but smile at Luz's joy. Luz asked more questions and Amity answered them. Every answer made Luz more and more excited and her excitement made Amity more and more happy.

Before Amity knew it an hour had passed. When Amity's phone alarm went off she felt her joy fade. Luz had noticed Amity's somber expression, "Amity? Is something wrong?" Amity was caught off guard by Luz's question, "N-no im fine. Let's go get those glasses."

"Ok, if you say so."

The two girls got up and entered the shop. The man at the desk rolled his eyes and grabbed the now fixed glasses. "Here." The man said, holding the glasses in front of him, "next time you come here, bring something important." Amity tried to take the glasses but the man pulled them away from her, "Snails first. Twenty of them." Amity huffed and grabbed twenty small bronze snails from her pocket. The man snatched the snails from Amity and gave her the glasses.

Amity and Luz left the shop and Amity suddenly felt something cold grasp her hand. It was Luz holding her hand again. The green haired witch blushed, "Not again. Why do I keep blushing every time she does anything? I-i just want to tell her how i feel... would she even like me back?"

"Luz wait!" Amity said, causing the human to turn around and let go of her hand. "Oh no, what am i doing i shouldnt... i cant."

"Willow's house is in the other direction."

"OH! My bad... again." Luz grabbed Amity's hand and started to pull her in the direction of Willow's house. Amity walked behind her lightly blushing, a small somber smile on her face.

"It's better this way.... Neither of us get hurt like this"

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