Chapter Thirty - Spell

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Chapter Thirty

Six months later, Present Day

What do you think we should do?

Don't ask me!

You helped create this so you are going to help!

You also helped!

We both did but if she finds out by someone else we are toast...!

Kill me now


Sorry I just want to do more things like this but under different circumstances.

"Are you going to tell me or are you going to keep mind linking one another?" Joslyn asked in a frustrated tone.

"Well..." Hade started.

"Well what?!"

"For crying out loud it's a boy!" Vanessa's frustrated voice came from the hallway as she walked in. "I could hear you all bickering in the bloody foyer, now please keep your voices down, some of us had to stay awake for a few nights because little Charlie wouldn't be quiet"

"Mum, please, at least you didn't have to put up with that right in your ear" Ana grumbled

"Hey! When do I get to hold my nephew?" Lucas suddenly asked.

"Not until after me!" Joslyn retorted.

"I'm the grandfather and I haven't even gotten near him yet, so I am first." Harvey said nearing Vanessa.

"What about us?" Archer's voice came from the door as he walked in with his smiling Mate, Keera.

"I am godmother so I'm first!" Joslyn pouted as she handed Lucas their little boy.

Ana merely smiled as Lucas held onto his boy Caden with such gentleness, unfortunately for them he was born a month premature but pulled through miraculously and is now a month and a few days old. She couldn't help but think of Tiran who was out in the hallway pushing Xavier in the pram, then her smile turned devilish.

"Oh but guys, who's looking after the two boys out in the hallway?" she asked innocently.

Immediately Archer and his Mate went outside and so did Joslyn with a look of horror on her face, Harvey also left just in case.

"So do I get a hold?" Lucas asked turning and smiling sheepishly.

"You have your own to hold" Vanessa said bluntly.

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