Chapter Eleven - Mate

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Chapter Eleven

Present day

Ana let go of her parents and started wiping her tears away, she looked back up at her parents and gave them a massive smile.

"Oh dear, please don't cry, your eyes are too beautiful for that" her mothers heavenly voice filled her ears as her mothers hand cupped her cheek softly.

"These are happy tears mother" Ana laughed softly.

"Well then by all means, cry" her mother said letting go of her cheek.

Ana couldn't believe that she had this power, she felt almost complete knowing her parents aren't that far away. The sad thing about all of this was that she couldn't actually feel her parents, Ana looked around and saw all the other people who had the same power as her, they were so happy here and seemed so at peace. You could tell when a person was 'visiting' they had a slightly purple aura glowing around them and that was why no one could feel the Angels before them.

"What brings you here tonight, my dear?" asked her father.

"I believe the Royal family are part of the Rogue problem, today I found a piece of cloth with the crest on it and it had been deliberately torn off. It looked as though the crest wasn't supposed to be found and that this problem is worse than we originally thought, I was wondering if you could ask the Moon Goddess to lend us a helping and I understand that we already have members of the old Royal army and family on our side now, but I feel deep in my gut that we just need one more." Ana trailed off as a small scent hit her nose, but from the outside world.

"Well dear, I believe that the Moon Goddess has already started working her magic, she is gifting you with the one thing you will need to take back the throne and reign" her father said.

"Thank you both, I know that it  has been a few hours for me in my world, but I still would like to know why you didn't use your powers to defeat the intruders?"

"Dear we knew that one day we would have to leave this world, and we know  now that  you were always supposed to bring peace back to the kingdom, oh and please talk like a normal teenager dear. I can't wait till you take back and reign with a King by your side, now go dear, we will be watching over you" her mother said sweetly.

"But mother I... ok I will try but you should know why, it's all her  fault, I wish I wasn't so scared..." she whispered  as her parents nodded at her.

Ana nodded back to them and sniffed as the scent got stronger by the second, she looked at her parents and waved goodbye as she sat back down and closed her eyes, she listened to the slight breeze that she could still hear and focused on that. She then let her thoughts run wild in her mind as the light dimmed behind her eyes, her nose filled with a smell so heavenly it made her sigh lightly, she heard a small mutter of a word but she was too busy focusing on opening her eyes. As she did he came into view, the reason why her mind was short circuiting and why she was about to lean forward and kiss him, he was her Mate.

"Uh...hi..." the man said a little breathlessly.

"Hi..." she replied shyly.

Hadrian watched as his Mate looked at the ground beneath her and drew small patterns with her fingers, he couldn't stop staring at her and all her beauty, he hoped that her beauty was on the inside as well. He reached out to her and quickly pulled his hand back hoping that she didn't notice his action, she did however.

"What is your name?" she asked so delicately.

"Hadrian" he said a little too quickly.

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