Chapter Nine- Kidnapping And Pain

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Chapter nine

One week later, Present day

There was no sign of the Rouge that was looking for Joslyn, he hadn't been seen or heard of since the day of the fight, Anastasia was relieved and panicked by this. Yes he was staying away from her friend but he has also disappeared into thin air, meaning he has some tricks up his sleeve or has given up, which the whole pack doubts. Joslyn has full protection and is escorted by the best trackers and guards everyday, to wherever she wants to go.

"Why can't this be easier, I mean he honestly couldn't have gone very far" Anastasia sighed as she marked yet another possible place on the map.

"I agree" Prince Caleb agreed honestly.

"Me three, I cant believe he just disappeared, we have to have missed something" the third voice agreed.

The three were inside the house in a room which they have set up as their 'tracking room', in the room itself they have marked and flagged any possible place the Rogue could be, they also have where their men are currently and all their plans of action. There is one massive map hanging up on the wall inside and has all the relevant information on it, to both sides are smaller maps with other possible areas and places the Rogue and his group may be hiding. Anastasia looked back over at the map and studied it once again before huffing and plonking down onto one of the chairs in the room, she looked over at the men who were at the desk sorting out files of possible people,  they are trying to figure out who he really is and any information on him.

"Why can't he just make a simple mistake and then we will have something more than a few guesses of where and who he is? But I guess that's what makes him a great wolf, he must have the power of masking, and I don't just mean his scent." Jarrod spoke with a worried tone.

"Well I hope we find him before anyone gets hurt, now I have avoided my father by burying myself in work for the past week and if I don't go now... Well, who knows. I will see you guys at dinner" Anastasia waved to the two before heading towards her fathers study.

Lucas paced back and forth as his sibling and father spoke, he couldn't make out anything that was being said as his father had discovered the power of sound blocking, it was annoying but useful, just not in a situation like this. Lucas stopped pacing and tried to hear what was being said, but he couldn't hear a word of what was being spoken, he sighed and started  pacing yet again. He had been here for over an hour and had news that both people inside that room needed to hear, it may not be the news that they really want but its something to start with at least. After a few more meters of pacing the door opened to reveal his sister, she had changed somehow when she got her memories back, it was a good change and made Lucas jealous now knowing that Jarrod was around. He may try and steal his position away, well not as brother but make him seem less important, nevertheless Lucas did a turning motion with his finger and his sister obliged. He pushed her into the room again and shut the door behind him, he smiled at them before his face turned sour.

"A few hours ago," he gave a pointed look to his father, "Two human girls were taken by a small group of Rogues, the reason why has not yet been discovered but, the Rogues left behind their scents and these Rogues acted as if they were in a group or pack of sorts. So we are following them and are pretty sure that these Rogues are apart of the pack that was apart of the verbal attack on Joslyn"

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