Beautifully Broken: Chapter Sixteen

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Hi guys!!! I'm back! Hahaha. i know its been a while as usual but in the past year I finally got my medical degree and interned for a year before boards so I had to set aside wattpad for a while! But my love for this story and your support has made be come back time and time again. Hope you like it!



I was busy saying thank you to the rest of the crew backstage when I heard her screaming. Although 'screaming' is not enough of a word to describe what I heard. it was in between a strangled sob and desperation all rolled into one. And hearing it in Addie's voice all made it the worst sound I'd ever heard.

You know the few seconds before you get into an accident and see the rest of your life flash before your eyes? All the things you'd be missing? Well this was like that except My mind was suddenly at home and I was 12 and my dad was yelling while my mom was sobbing and for a moment I felt helpless all over again. Then I blinked and realized that this was Addie. This was her life. And I had to protect her from whatever was causing her to shriek like that so abruptly.

When I got to her dressing room door it was locked. I guess all my shouting and pounding got Lyla, Dr. Altman, and Hunter's attention and by the time I was able to force the door open I wasn't the only one shocked to see Mike on top of Addie.

He was still fully dressed, although her silver dress was torn at the front partly exposing her chest and neck revealing reddish splotches all over which I was pretty sure would turn into black blue bruises by the morning. I knew the evolution of a bruise alright. Her legs were exposed and the hem of her gown was also torn and hitched up. Her nails and finger tips were scratched as much as they had apparently been able to scratch Mike's arms.

But one look into Addie's eyes and I knew that the damage outside was nothing compared to whatever was going through her head at the moment.

I swiftly carried her into my arms while Hunter took care of Mike. Lyla wrapped the blanket around the both of us. Addie went limp in my arms as soon as i had her. It wasn't was if she had lost consciousness or anything. It was just as if she had blanked off into space. She wasn't crying anymore, her eyes were open but she wasn't responding to any of our questions. She looked as broken as could be. And it was terrible not knowing what she might be thinking.

Hunter and some guys from the technical crew brought Mike to the police station for questioning with Dr. Altman while Lyla and I brought Addie to the nearby hospital to get her checked out. After an hour of interviews and physical exams, Addie was sent home with a handful of painkillers but also with the assurance that there was no lasting PHYSICAL damage.

I took Lyla aside in the hallway while Addie was changing into the clothes Lyla had procured while waiting.

"I'll take her home tonight. I might stay over, just to keep her company for now. You can go home ahead if you want," I told Lyla.

"Okay but I want to check in with her one last time before I leave. I might go back to the police station to see how things are going with Hunter and Mike. I don't think that he expected Mike to be capable of doing that to Addie."

Tears began to well up in Lyla's eyes. Lyla was as headstrong as anyone but she was most likely as shocked and terrified as any of what happened. We were with Mike and Addie on a daily basis and we failed to see the signs. We knew Mike was kind of a playboy but i never thought he was capable of rape myself.

Should I have been more observant? Were there signs I had missed? In how many ways did I fail to see? Fail to protect Addie? The slow steady gnawing in my stomach that had begun earlier was growing.

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