Beautifully Broken: Chapter Five

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Update much earlier as promised! 


Song for today's chapter: Robyn-Be Mine

I think it conveys a little about how Julian feels about Addie. :)



Chapter 5

What do you feed to the guy who took away your first major break? Are chili, baked potatoes, and garlic bread appropriate? I mean, he IS helping me repaint my bedroom, I wondered to myself as I sprinkled mozzarella cheese on the potatoes. I was already in my painting outfit, a tight pair of denim shorts and a loose pink off shoulder top showing off one of my toned shoulders.

It wasn’t that I thought I was the best of my class. We’d only been at college for about a month in a half, October 5th on the calendar and I was just trying my hardest as usual. It was just that all my life I’d been dabbling in this and that, being relatively good at everything but not great as in award-winning, paper-publishing good. That paper was my first try at trying to be the ACTUAL best. But I had kind of accepted the fact that someone could do better than me, it had kind of always been that way.

But did it HAVE to be the boy with the blue green eyes? The fact that he was THAT good made me remember our first week and the whole elevator incident. How he had made me laugh and feel a lightness in my stomach by just calling me Adrienne.

I had always liked achievers. I liked to be challenged. My first crush was in the third grade on a kid who was the best at track and field and at the same time was on the Honor Roll. Then before Nate, when I was a freshman I had this crush on the Student Council President, he just oozed with confidence and control. Nate was a legend at school himself.

And now here came Julian. He wasn’t exactly confident and in control when we were alone but I had seen him with the other guys and in class. He always gave meaningful feedback, asked questions I wished I had thought to ask, and he was great at talking to both guys AND girls. He was sharp, smart, mysterious, AND beautiful. I was totally crushing on him.

I groaned as I put the pre-prepared dinner into the refrigerator. I couldn’t be doing this. In my first semester. I sort of hoped he was a jerk so that I wouldn’t like him more. Kind of.

Just as I was finished prepping, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and took in his appearance. He has wearing a white v-necked shirt and faded blue jeans that hung lowly around his hips.

“Hey,” I greeted awkwardly.

“Hey,” he replied. “So should we get started right away?”

“Uhm, okay, I just need a little help moving a little bit of the furniture into the living room. I already pushed a few in earlier. Is that okay with you?” I asked.

“Sure,” he said with a smile as he followed me to the kitchen and through the living room into my bedroom.

I had decided to pain my room a dark burgundy because I needed a little contrast to go against the cream and beige walls of the rest of the rooms.

After we had moved all the furniture and set the large white painting blankets down on the floor, we begun painting. He was on the ladder doing the high, hard to reach parts while I was doing the lower walls. We had been painting for about an hour in silence when he spoke up.

“So, do you plan on redoing the entire apartment, or just this room?” he inquired.

“Oh, uhm..for now I only plan on doing the bedroom, I haven’t thought much about redoing the other rooms yet. Why?”

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