Beautifully Broken: Chapter Nine

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Hey guys! I’d like to thank you because within less than 24 hours this story went from #140 to #49 on the What’s Hot list for mystery and suspense although its moved down since. Thank you and I hope you continually support this story. So this is the next chapter for you guys. Hope you like it!

Have any of you read The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? It’s a great book that I chanced upon at the local bookstore. HAHA.

Anyway, enough of that. Next chapter for you guys..

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Chapter 9


“Okay Julian, I’m so sorry, never again.” she said beginning to cry.  I could hear her muffled sobs in my ear as I continued to embrace her. I didn’t know what to say to her. I was afraid of asking her questions, knowing what I would most probably hear.

I came back with our coffees to find the rest of the pool grounds empty. Every body else must have left. Then I remembered I had left Adrienne thrashing threw the water, swimming back and forth at a rampant pace. God she should take it easier, she kept on pushing on and on.

Then I noticed that the water was still except for a calm rippling. I noticed a darkness in the water and immediately thought about Adrienne.

A hundred things ran through my mind while I ran to the pool dropping the coffee and diving in as fast as I could.  Was she okay? Would I make it to her in time? Did someone do this to her? Did she hit her head? Did she do this to herself? What was she thinking? Was I too late?

As I grabbed hold of her gently I looked at her face surprised to find her eyes staring at mine looking just as surprised. So she wasn’t unconscious. I was relieved and confused at the same time. What was she doing down there if it wasn’t an accident?

I continued to hug her tightly for a while, playing with the ends of her damp hair absentmindedly, before curiosity got the best of me. I needed to know why she was doing this to herself. Through our month of hanging out, I had never seen her the way she was in the pool, as if she was zoned out in panic. What happened to her?

I pulled her away from me just so I could take a good look at her. I heard her whimper a little probably from the cold. She looked into my eyes apologetically. I bore my eyes back into hers searching for the reason, hoping she would understand my confusion.

“I didn’t mean to scare you like that,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I just needed to forget..” she trailed off in a tiny voice.

Forget what? I thought. Did she remember something about Nate? Did water remind her of him? I wanted to ask her about Nate but then she’d wonder how I’d known and I’d have to tell her he was my brother.

I let go of her shoulders and stood up. I grabbed both of our towels and wrapped them around her. Then I sat back down. She brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her them.

“Forget what?” I asked cautiously. Here it was. Somehow I knew Nate would be the answer.


She told me everything. She began with telling me about the kind of person she was before she met my brother, that person seemed a lot like the Addie I knew these days. Then she told me about meeting Nate in junior year, about how their relationship was great in the beginning. She even told me the things that had attracted him to her, as if she was still defending him as much as she should have been defending herself.

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