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Eesha's POV:

After exiting the meeting hall, i let Reyansh down to play in the lobby outside the meeting room. I tucked my saree in my hips, so that it doesn't disturb me while taking care of Reyansh. I sat on the floor in Indian style and took his toys out of his baby bag which Devesh sir left with me before leaving for the meeting. Soon a shadow casted over us and i tilted my head to see who it was, it was Devesh sir standing and looking us curiously with admiration?? I think so. I stood up, no tried to seeing him. During the process i stepped on a block(Lego) of Reyansh which made me slip. I got ready for the impact closing my eyes but never felt the pain, opening my eyes they met with the black ones of Devesh sir,his rough hand were holding my waist to stop me from falling. We came out of trance when we heard
Reyansh's giggle.

          "Iam sorry sir..." I was interrupted by him"it's ok, u didn't do anything intentionally right? So there is no worries" he said embarassed avoiding eye contact.

         Few minutes passed by and we both were standing in an awkward silence which was broken by him "why were you sitting down" he questioned me curiously. "I like sitting in floor sir. Plus it would be comfortable to look after him and play with him." I replied him looking at Reyansh.

          "It's lunch time you go and have your lunch, i will feed him" said sir. Like sensing his father's word Reyansh started to cry clinging to me. I looked at Devesh sir who was looking at his son horrified and i giggled at his expression and picked Reyansh. As soon as I picked him Reyansh stopped crying and snuggled in my neck, like telling me to not to leave. "You little traitor...." Came Devesh sir's voice. Sensing his father's mood Reyansh lifted his head and giggled at his father. Which made me laugh, seeing their cute banter. "Sir if you don't mind can I look after him until you find nanny, i know iam overstepping my boundaries but I promise sir, i will take good care him and at the same time will do my work also. Please sir being with Reyansh makes me feel like I am healing. He is a pure magic" i pleaded him. He looked at for a moment and said "Okay...". Hearing his acceptance i was overjoyed and spinned Reyansh in my arms and said "kettiyada kanna (did you hear my luv or dear), your appa gave approval now you can spend more time with me", hearing my overjoyed voice Reyansh also laughed. Suddenly I stopped when I heard a chuckle from our side, then only it striked me that Devesh sir was still standing there. I was again embarrassed.

     "Err... Sorry sir, I mean thank you sir for letting me take care of Reyansh, i won't disappoint you" i said beaming with happines."Ansh, call him ansh and yeah I believe you."
After hearing this i bid him byee and left to cabin with Reyansh oops Ansh.


     Kettiyada -did you hear
     DA is used when it's boy and DI is used when it's girl.

      Kanna - an endearment used to address babies( like sweetheart, munchkin,etc..,)

      Appa- Father

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