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Eesha's POV:


When i opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. As a first action my hands went to stomach, it was flat. I panicked and started to yell for nurse. Nithya with few other nurses rushed in

E- Nithya, baby... Where is my baby?? Is he safe, what about Rithu where is he??

N- Eesha, relax

E- What relax...where is my baby and rithu

N- Nithya they are no more, they left us all forever

Saying this she sobbed to, I felt like my whole world stopped

E- you are kidding right

She just looked at me helplessly, i know that look. So they really left me.

E- where are they

N- Cremated them, three days back

E- how many days was i unconscious

N- 5 days d.

E- How was my baby

N- It was a girl.

E- just like he wished.

I stared at the celing. I didn't speak to anyone. I was discharged after two weeks. I started to live like log and even attempted suicide. But my friends saved me. Eesha and Kia confronted me, that's when i broke down. I started to undergo treatments, brought my own apartment and moved in. I joined Devesh's company too. Still that day haunts me.

End of Flashback

Devesh's hands were around me, i was crying and sobbing uncontrollably. He whispered sweet nothing's in my ear

E- So this is my past, you still want me??

D- Ma, its your past which completes you. So iam least bothered with it. Its over that's all, let's just focus in our future.

Saying this he kissed my forehead and hugged me. I found solace in his arms. We stayed like that for few minutes

 We stayed like that for few minutes

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D- polama??(shall we go)

I nodded and got up. After getting Ansh from Mr and Mrs Sean we left to home. Our home.

Devesh's POV:

She has undergone a tragic incident, comparing to this mine is nothing. She is already hurt, I don't want to burden her with my baggages. I will tell my secrets some other time.

Eesha's POV:

Finnally it's the day of ear piercing, we all got ready and went to the hotel where we have arranged it. It was an intimate ceremony.

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