Chapter 9: Judgement

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Time skip (2 days later)

Issei woke up from his slumber. as he tried to get up he felt more heavy than usual. He pulled up the covers to see who it was and to his surprise it was Grayfia of all people.

Issei widened his eye's 'well, I didn't expect this.'

Issei began to have conflicting feelings.

He was happy because he knows that Grayfia loves him. However, on the other hand, paranoia and a hint of fear. Issei wasn't scared of women, but due to a past, which he wishes to forget, he's scared of being in a relationship again. The fear was not for him, but concern and worry for those who might want to get closer to him.

'Would it be alright to love again to relive what it was like back then?... No. If I do that, then it'll be just like last time, If not worse.' Issei gained a downcast look.

'Ever since I lost 'her' I could never be in another relationship with anyone, out of fear of losing those who are dear to me, just like how 'she' was to me.'

Issei comes out of his thoughts from Grayfia's stirring within her sleep.

"Mhmmm." Grayfia squeezed into Issei's chest tightly.

Issei tries to escape out of the death grip he was forced to endure without waking the silver maiden.

After the one minute struggle of wriggling, Issei was finally free to roam.

Minutes go by after putting on his cloths and eating breakfast, Grayfia came down the stairs in a sleepy and groggy fashion.

"IIIIsssseeeiiii~~~." Grayfia spoke with a tired tone, making Issei chuckle internally.

"Yes, Fia." Issei smiled.

"Whyy~? Why did you leaavvee mmeeee~." Grayfia went next to Issei's back and hugged him from behind.

"Had to get up, get dressed and have energy for later."

"Nnnoooo~, I have my Ise pillow." Grayfia began to fall asleep again and Issei was struggling not to laugh.

"Alright, come here." Issei then turns around to face Grayfia and hugs her.

"Wwwwaaarrmmmm." Grayfia smiled cutely with her eyes closed.

Issei sighed as he stroking Grayfia's silver braided hair.

Kuoh academy - old school building

Issei sat on a couch and calmly waited for a certain someone to to arrive.

Minutes later

A red Gremory magic circle spawned on the floor. what came out of the the circle was non other than the good old Zechs himself sporting a happy grin.

"Zechs, nice to see you again, been well I hope and how's Venelana?"

"Hello master, Yes I've been well and mother is fine as always. Anyway how about you?"

"Zechs, I've told you many times, call me by my name, you know I'm not one for formalities. Anyway, It's been something. As you can tell I met your sister and her peerage, with pride if I might add. Rescued an ex-nun, twice, and I've come to view her as my little sister. Had a raging fit because some rouge fallen that were stationed in the abandoned church tried to take the nun's sacred gear and kill her in the process. Saw Fia again, had a long chat with her. Scared the absolute shit out of the Phenex and his peerage as well as getting to challenge him, hopefully ending his pitiful existence in this battle." Issei said with disgust at the end.



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