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(A/n: My sister just told me that I forgot to tell y'all how old he is. Percy is eleven now. Don't ask, please- T-T Ik it's confusing. Just bear with me.)

Percy was tapping his foot in the big house. He had Raja, now as tall as his waist, sitting at his side, his bag slung over his shoulder. He looked around for a moment before the door opened.

Artemis and Chiron walked in and looked at him somberly. Artemis walked over to him and cupped his face.

"I wish you could take Zoe or Phoebe, but Zeus says this is a mision you need to do alone." She pursed her lips. "Please stay safe, Percy. Come back to us."

Percy nodded.

"I will, my lady." He said confidently. "And with me, an alliance with Lord Boreas."

Percy walked through the woods of Little Canada, MN. It was snowing, odd for September, but they were up North, so it could be expected. They walked for days, not having trouble at the border with help from the Mist.

Soon, Percy found himself and Raja in the entrance hall of Lord Boreas' castle. His eyes were drawn to a figure coming down the elegant staircase.

Princess Khione, goddess of snow. She looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow as she went. He bowed to her, not meeting her eyes. Raja, following Percy, kneeled as well.

"Lady Khione, it is an honor to meet you." He said in a calm and level voice.

"So you are the one they call Perseus." She said, her voice was as cold as ice as he nodded. "Rise."

He did so and took in her features. She was very pretty. Her skin was a pale, icy blue with almost white-blue eyes that matched the long hair that cascaded down her back.

She wore a beautiful, traditional hanfu in a gorgeous freezing blue that got darker in an ombre as the fabric got lower. It gave you chills looking at it, especially with the frost that decorated the sleeves and bodice.

 It gave you chills looking at it, especially with the frost that decorated the sleeves and bodice

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"My father said he was to expect you." She said, her voice lighter. "Follow me."

He nodded and she led him up the stairs to a throne room where the god sat. He, like his daughter, had white blue hair and eyes with pale blue skin.

Unlike her hanfu, he wore a traditional roman toga. It was made of what looked like silk and was white with frost and ice crystals.

Percy, like with lady Khione, bowed to Boreas and only rose when he was instructed to

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Percy, like with lady Khione, bowed to Boreas and only rose when he was instructed to.

"So, you are the boy Zeus has sent forth to do his bidding." Boreas' voice held a note of amusement at the eleven year old. "Tell me, boy, what do the Greeks wish of me this time?"

"They wish to form an alliance with you, mi'lord, and the northern wind spirits." Percy said, his voice respectful and unwavering.

"Well..." Boreas thought for a moment and rested his chin on the back of his hand. "What would I benefit with this... alliance?"

"You would have the backing of Greeks and complete availability to all american territory." Percy said without missing a beat.

Boreas' eyes flashed gold for a moment, smiling eerily, but Percy showed no indication that he'd seen. The god nodded and thought for a moment. After talking for hours and discussing terms, they agreed on everything and the alliance was formed.

Boreas offered to let him stay the night before leaving in the morning. He also offered to have a spirit escort Percy and Raja to Manhatten. Percy agreed to both and he went to sleep in the room he was escorted to.

In the morning, Percy was misted to Olympus where they were having a meeting. Once the spirit left, Percy stood up from his crouching position and looked up.

The gods were all looking at him, clearly glad he was unharmed and waiting on the edge of their seats for the result of his labors. Percy's face split into a wide grin.

"Congratulations, my lords and my ladies," He said looking at them pridefully, but his face was tained with worry. "For you are now in an alliance with Lord Boreas and the northern wind spirits.."

The gods' and goddesses' faces lit up and they cheered. Artemis ran up to Percy and hugged him before checkng him over for any scrapes from the journey. She paused, as did some others.

"But..." He looked boldy into the eyes of Zeus, looking grave. "I now call a full Olympian court emergency meeting. Please summon everyone, including the Hunters, Prince Triton, and Lady Amphritrite."

Many gasped and the room became quiet. Hades, Triton, Persephone, Amphritrite, and every huntress flashed into their respective places. Everyone sat, save from the hunters who were standing the the right of Artemis' throne.

"Why have you called an evergency meeting, Percy?" Hades asked, leaning foreward to peer at the slim boy.

Percy gulped and took a shaky breath.

"H-he's back..." Percy teared up and looked at the confused faces. "The titan king...h-has risen."

(A/n: I was gonna make that the end, but then I thought "Hey, don't be an asshole, they've been waiting for this for almost a month". So.......)

There was an uproar, everyone screaming and muttering to the people next to them. Zeus flashed a bolt of lightning and the room quieted.

"Perseus..." Zeus' voice was dark. "How do you know, how can you be certain?"

"I-" Percy gulped. He never liked it when his full name was used. "When I was meeting with L-Lord Boreas...His eyes flashed the color of ichor a-and...h-his smile was all wrong... I-it was forced."

There were more mutterings. Percy's boy went ridged. His eyes turned the milky golden color of ichor. His face contorted into an evil smirk and the room around him seemed to darken.

"Well, well, well..." He said. "We are in trouble."

(A/n: Please comment if you get it.)

His voice was unnaturally cold coming from the boy and it had a doubled effect. It was like two were speaking together, Kronos and Percy, in a nausiating yet mesmerizing dance.

"When I met with the boy controling Boreas' body, I had no idea he had noticed when my eyes changed." Percy-Kronos's eyes flickered from gold to green and back again. "This boy...He's so strong, and observant. I know it will be deliciously fun to break him."

"Let my son out of your posession, Titan!" Poseiden screamed, worried for his son and angry at his father's threats.

Percy's body shuddered after his eyes returned green, but went back to gold. His face twisted into curiosity. He looked over his smooth hands and arms, flexing his fingers.

"This boy certainly has some mental strength to him as well." Percy-Kronos admired. "I can't wait to rip it out of him."

Suddenly, Percy's eyes changed back to green and he fell to the ground, crying. He was shaking and hyperventalating, holding himself tightly. He soon passed out and all of the gods and goddesses were thinking one thing...

'Oh dear Chaos...'

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