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After what happened, Percy trained for eighteen hours a day with no breaks.

He barely slept, but when he did, it was restless and uncomfortable, usually ending a quarter of an hour later with him keeping watch in a tree.

He wasn't eating much either. Anything he ate was ina tiny portion that he wouldn't finish. If you watched closely, you would be able to see that he overworked himself to the point of colapse.

You could see, if you looked close enough and pay attention, he was developing absence seizures. He barely spoke and took to asking Ares to spar, wining four out of ten sessions.

He would still participate when asked and ate or drank any abrosia or nectar he was offered. He was polite as ever, but he never looked into any of their eyes or smiled.

He ran on caffeine and pure, raw will. It had been a year and a half since Kronos' threat and little had happened save from the higher levels in monster attacks across western civilization.

Percy was currently training, his deep greyish purple eyebags standing out against his porcilain skin. He was a blur on the training court slashing the dummies with Archer in violin form.

He was playing ' Flight of the Bumblebee ' and annihilating them. When he stopped, the remenents of the dummies fell to the ground in scraps of canvas and stuffing. He put away his violin and stuck it, now a pen, in his pocket.

He went over to the river and cleaned his hands. He wrapped them up and went to his cabin for more workouts. After hours of even more greuling training, he colapsed as all of his exhaustion and anxiety and stress his him like a brick to the face and he fainted.

Banging could be heard just before the door slammed open to reveal the worried faces of Phoebe and Artemis. Phoebe quickly grabbed Percy and they ran to the medical cabin where the Apollo kids worked half the time.

Two boys took Percy from Phoebe and got him changed into the creamy white med gown. A girl started taking his pulse, weight, and temperature. After a few minutes, she went to them and gave them his stats.

"He's not great." She said bluntly. "He's got a fever of 103.2 and his pulse is at fifty-two BPM. He's severly malnourished at only eighty-seven LBS."

She flipped a page on the clipboard.

"We're getting him started on some nutriants and vitamins. He'll be here for about four days- Maybe more if we have to help him eat."

Artemis and Phoebe looked worried. They each took deep breaths and nodded.

"Take care of him." Artemis said.

She and Phoebe left the cabin and went to their tents. Artemis had sent Zoe to the Big House to tell Chiron Percy's status.

Chiron told everyone what had happened and Luke and Annabeth visited often. Nobody saw how Luke looked at him, the shifty worry and greed.

As soon as Percy woke up, he tried to leave. Artemis was called and after swearing on the Styx to take care of himself better than he was, he was allowed back to his cabin.

After a while, the gods had started getting antsy. The Titan King hadn't made a move. On top of that, Hades' Helm of Darkness and Zeus' master bolt had been stolen.

Currently, they were in the throne room having a meeting.

"I cannot comprehend why or how someone could have stolen my Helm!" Hades raged.

"I am as confused as you, Hades. It is unfathomable that some being could have stolen my Bolt or your Helm." Zeus looked deep in thought and Athena spoke up.

"Is it perhaps a possibility that they have been stolen by a champion?" Her eyes narrowed. "A demigod, perhaps?"

"Are you, and correct me if I'm out of line, suggesting that one of us or the oposition has employed a child to steal our weapons?" Posieden's eyes held suspicion.



Lately I've had several rough patches and haven't been taking care of myself. I apologise for this and hope that y'all aren't too mad at me.

I'm probably going to update my other story as well so stay tuned.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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