Chapter Nine.

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Not even two days later, the cat is here. She's just as cute as she looked in the picture. Cas named her Estelle and he's in love with her, but I can't say much, so am I.

On another note, the wedding is in three days, and it takes about a day and a half to get from Boston to San Antonio, so I really need to go shopping and get some clothes. Right now, it's 3pm and I have three hours until Cas leaves for work, so I can go shopping and leave Estelle with Cas.

I walk down to the bus stop and get on the bus since I still don't have my car back. Sam also took that from me, and I was pi-sed. I had an amazing 1967 Black Chevy Impala. She was my whole life, but I understand now that Sam just didn't want me to fuck it –or myself– up even more.

Once I took the, almost 40-minute, bus ride, I got off at the mall. I'm not really sure how much money I have left on my card, but I hope it's enough. I shop around some, feeling super thankful that I can be in public without being drunk or high, and find a decent amount of clothes that I can afford.

When I'm walking back out to the bus, I see a group of guys smoking. It looks like a cigarette, but I can tell it's weed by the smell. Fuck. I freeze, staring at them until they notice me, holding up the joint, asking if I want a hit, and I really do, so I walk over to them.

"Hey man, want some?" A guy asks me, reeking of weed. Suddenly, my thoughts are all about how disappointed Cas would be. The next thing I know, I have the joint in my hand, and I try to take a hit. I can't. Cas, Estelle, my family, no, Sammy, would all be disappointed in me.

I hand the joint back to the guy and shake my head, walking away quickly, hearing the group say some rude shit about me. I get back on the bus right before it leaves and ride back to the apartment.

When I finally get back, I let out a stressed breath as I knock on the door, waiting for Cas to open it. I hear him talking to Estelle and I smile. "I know. I'm sorry baby, I have to let Dean in." He says, making me smile. He opens the door, and he smiles for a second before his face drops and he looks at me with a serious look on his face.

He pulls me in and shoves me down on the couch, Estelle running out of the room and into Cas' bedroom. "Dean what the fuck did you do?" he asks sternly. Shit, what did I do?

"What?" I ask, confused. "I went shopping. I told you that. I needed clothes for the wedding." I explain, wondering what he thinks I did.

"Why do you smell like weed then?" He asks, making me feel like shit. He would have been so pissed if I went through with that.

I sigh, setting my bags down on the floor. "There was this group of guys... They were smoking and asked me if I wanted some." I explain and Cas sits down on the coffee table, hands over his face.

"Why the fuck would you do that, Dean? You were almost three weeks clean." Cas says. Fuck he thinks I did it.

"No! No, I didn't smoke it. I was going to, but I knew how mad you and Sam would be, so I didn't." I say and Cas takes his hands off his face, looking at me questioningly. "Do I really smell that bad?" I ask. I only had it for a minute.

"Yes." Cas says, pulling me into a tight, thankful hug, not caring that I smell like weed. "Fuck, I thought you just ruined all of your progress." Cas says, still tightly hugging me.

Tears come to my eyes and I hug him back. He cares. He wants me to be better to myself, and I did it. I didn't let it get to me.

"No, I couldn't." I say, tears flowing down my cheeks. I really just did that. I haven't been able to do that in five fucking years.

"Thank you, holy shit. You resisted it, Dean, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you." Cas says and I start to sob. Nobody's told me that they're proud of me in years other than him and Sam. I don't remember the last time someone said that to me.

He pulls back from the hug and looks at me, smiling. He gets closer to me, and I can feel his breath on my face. Oh my god, he's about to kiss me, isn't he? He puts his hands on my face and laughs slightly, wiping away my tears. I just stare at him, is he going to kiss me?

"Dean, don't cry, this is amazing." He says, continuing to wipe my tears with his thumbs. Nope. He's not going to kiss me. Why would he? I'm so stupid to think that he would.

I sniffle, trying to wipe away my tears as well, but I just put my hands on Cas'. I pull them away quickly and stand up, leaving Cas sitting there confused and hurt. "Want to see what I bought?" I ask, picking up the bags and setting them on the couch.

Cas smiles and nods, his face still showing that he's slightly hurt by me just changing the subject after he told me he was proud of me.

I pull out a few different shirts. Mostly flannels, but a few short sleeve polo shirts. I'm not really sure where we'll go, and I don't want to be underdressed. I set them down on the couch and also pull out some band tees I found at Hot Topic. I used to love that place. It's changed a lot, but I still love it.

Next, I pull out some jeans and khakis, him nodding and grabbing the jeans. "I like these." He speaks. Why? They're just normal jeans.

"Yeah, makes my ass look good." I laugh, him blushing. "What?" I ask, pulling out some new underwear I bought and setting it aside.

"Nothing." He says, obviously still thinking about something.

I shrug and pull out three pairs of shoes. One pair of nice army boots, one pair of normal boots, and a pair of nice dress shoes to wear with the suit Cas is letting me wear. "Boots?" he asks, grabbing the very southern looking boots. Not many people wear those here, but I managed to find a boot store.

"I'm from Texas, the wedding is in Texas, my extended family is very southern." I explain, pushing all the clothes back in the bags. I hope I have enough. I hope Cas likes my family. I hope my family likes Cas more than anything, though.

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