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"EXCUSE ME?" Olivia said in disbelief of what was she was hearing

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"EXCUSE ME?" Olivia said in disbelief of what was she was hearing. " did i hear you right, we are going where?"

"Oh come on Liv, you're overreacting. It's just dinner. Get over it." Her mother, Alyssa, said as she was getting ready in her bedroom. Olivia was sitting on her mother's bed looking at her in disbelief.

"Overreacting? I'm overreacting? I'm not overreacting. I'm just saying that you could've just asked me if i wanted to go!" Olivia said to her mother wanting her to agree with her on staying home.

"You're not staying at home that's the end of it. Now go to your room and get ready. We're going to be late." Her mother said as she exited her bedroom and headed downstairs.

"I can't believe this. Why should i go to his house. Why should i get ready to go to his house." Olivia started rambling as she headed to her bedroom to get ready.

"This is his house?" The younger girl asked, as she and her parents arrived.

"Yes now stop with the foolish questions and let's go,"

Sherry opened the door with a bright smile, welcoming her guests. "Well hello, please come in, thank you for coming,"

After entering their magnificent house, olivia was looking around, taking in every detail of this house.

"Christopher! Come downstairs now!" Sherry all of a sudden yelled, as the only person who wasn't present was her son. Just then the one and only christopher star appeared from downstairs in all his glory.

"I'm sorry for the waiting. Hi I'm Christopher it's nice to meet you." He greeted olivia's parent with such kidness but when it came to olivia herself, that smile of his dropped. "What surprised to see me princess?" Olivia sarcastically. "Not at all,"

The tension between us could be seen, and sherry decided to interrupt. "Why don't you show her around christopher, while i show her parents around," she offered, completely ignoring the horrified looks of both teenagers.

He sighed in defeat, knowing not to go against hus mother and turned to look at the girl beside him. "Come on," and with that he began the tour of his house, with olivia on his trail.

"You want me to go up these many stairs? Yeah no way," olivia quickly declined as she was face to face with the many stairs in front of her. "quit whining okay, it's a bunch of stairs, now come on," he said and she followed him upstairs, unfortunately.

When they reached the next floor, olivia was met with a hall full of bedrooms. Christopher led her towards his bedroom apparently. Opening the door, she was once again met with a larger room, with a double bet, a large tv and you know that kind of stuff. Rich kid's stuff.

"So this is your bedroom nice. Is the tour over?" She asked, obviously bored and not wanting to be with him. "We just came here,"

"I'm bored,"

"Not my problem," rolling her eyes at his response she took this as a chance and looked around at christopher's room, examining everything. "You done, snuffing around my room,"


"Guys dinner is ready!" He

Hearing that, olivia sighed in relief and headed quickly downstairs.

And well dinner happened.

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