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JESSICA LET OUT A SCOFF and took a seat on the bed

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JESSICA LET OUT A SCOFF and took a seat on the bed. "Guess we are stuck here." She said and crossed her arms, letting out a huff.

"Guess we are." Olivia said and took a look around. "so what's the deal between you and Christopher?" Jessica asked the girl who took a seat next to her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on. It's obvious something's going on. Why do you fight all the time?"

"Honestly. I don't really know. It's-"

"Complicated. I get it." Jessica said with a smile. "Anyway. How long do you think we'll be up here?"

"Good questio-" before olivia could finish her statement she heard someone singing. She starred at the window hesitating to go check out.

She finally stood up, with jessica on her trail, and opened the balcony doors. She neared the edge and looked down below and noticed christopher singing.

She watched him with such awe that jessica took noticed of and a small smile appeared on her face.

Christopher finally took notice of the two girls above and sent them a smile. Specifically Olivia. Jessica saw the little gesture and decided to head inside.

Olivia kept looking down at christopher while he sang. She didn't know what came over her. She just couldn't stop starring. She was like in a trance or something. And that weirded her out.

When Christopher finally finished all you could hear was applauds from around him. He gave smiles of appreciation and finally looked up hoping to see her again but he noticed that she was not there.

When olivia broke out of her trance she quickly went inside, in hurrying steps, grabbed jessica by her hand and dragged her along with downstairs.

"H-hey where are we going?"

"Home." Olivia said trying to find an exit. She took notice of a white door and quickly opened it and looked in front of her. The garage.

"What are you doing liv?" Jessica asked not caring the nickname that just slipped. "Getting us out of here." Olivia said.

"Hey! Where you going?" Olivia jumped and turned around and came face to face with christopher.

"Anywhere but here." She said and looked around, surrounded by the numerous cars he had.

"What did I do now?" He asked her confused by her sudden rude tone.

"You said you'd take us home. When?" She said tired of being here and just wanting to go home. Her mom wouldn't be so happy.

"Just pick a car. I'll take you guys home."

"No!" Olivia said without thinking. "Fine, we'll walk."

"Where does Grandma live again?" Christopher then turned to jessica and asked as he remember her mentioning something about her grandma before.


«Oh, that's great. You two live close, We'll get there on Tuesday." He said and let out a scoff.

"Fine." Olivia huffed finally giving in.

"Fine?" Christopher couldn't believe she finally agreed.

"But here are the rules. You drive us straight there, drop us off, and then you come back to your fabulous life." She said and entered the blue car.

"What's the purpose of that? I don't get it. Why does she do this?" He said and turned to look at jessica who only gave him a shrug as she followed Olivia's actions.

When they hit the road, silence filled the car. Christopher decided to turn on the radio since no one seemed in the mood for a conversation.

Surprisingly, a song of his started playing and a small smile made it up to his face.

"There's something about the sunshine, baby I'm seeing you in a whole new light-" he started murmuring but olivia was quick to interrupt.


"What? I thought you'd like it." He said and gave her a look before turning his head towards jessica in the back. "Don't look at me I don't like it either."

"Let me guess. You thought I'd be dying to ride in a car with Christopher Wilde as he sings to one of his big hits-" olivia sarcastically said and then jessica completed her statement.

"A fan's dream come true!"

"There's just one problem." She said. "Which is?"

"I'm not your fan." She said and looked ahead of her again.

"You don't... You don't like my music?" Christopher said kind of surprised that olivia didn't liked his music at all.

"No, I like your music. I'm just not crazy about you." She quickly said.

"But you don't even know me." Christopher argued back.

"I don't need to personally know you, just be the looks of you i know you pretty well."

"You know, I think if you...I think if you did know me, you'd really like me." He said and looked at her again.

"Turn here." Jessica decided to talk and Christopher listened to her instructions.

"Thanks for the ride." She said and quickly climbed out. Olivia quickly rolled down her window and shouted her name. Jessica turned around. "Hey give me your number. Maybe we should hang out sometime." Jessica let out a smile fill her face and handed olivia her number. She said her goodnights and entered her house.

"Guess its the two of us." Christopher said and turned to look at her with a smile but it quickly fell when he noticed her face.

"Hey look- i'm sorry okay?"

"Noted. Can we go now?" She said tired.

The drive towards Olivia's residence was quiet. No one knew what to say. She wanted to apologise for her crappy behaviour but her ego wouldn't let her do it. And he on the other hand wanted to find out what he did and does all the time wrong and upsets her constantly.

To her, what happened at Christopher's was weird. She didn't know what came over her. She didn't know why she felt that way when he captured her gaze. Her stomach was dancing with butterflies. And she didn't like it.

After 10 minutes of pure silence they finally arrived. As soon as Christopher parked the car in her driveway she was quick to exit the car without even glancing back.

"Good night!" He shouted hoping he gets one back. "Night." After hearing that one word he smiled ear to ear.

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