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TAKING A SEAT AT THE DINING TABLE ALONG WITH THE OTHERS, what was olivia did. When everyone got into their seats, dinner was served. As the seats were concered, she was between her parents, christopher as well.

"So christopher, are you going to alexis' party tomorrow?" Her dad decided to break the silence and start a conversation. Christopher looked up from his plate and met his gaze. "Indeed i am, i'm singing actually,"

Hearing that, Olivia's head perked up finally joining the conversation. "No dad, i'm singing at alexis' party. You forgot?" And hearing that christopher looked at the girl opposite him. "Excuse me, no i'm singing tomorrow night,"

"No, excuse me, i am singing at alexis' party,"

"Why would she ask you to sing at her birthday party? I'm her boyfriend!" Christopher continued, pulling the boyfriend card out. "So what? I'm her friend!"

"Oh you-"

"Stop it!" Both teens stopped their bickering back and forth and turned to look at sherry. "Why is everything a chance for you two to fight?"

They both looked at her and then at each other.

The dinner went smoothly, plenty of conversations happening. Olivia had already finished her meal was bored out of her mind. She grabbed her phone and started texting her friends hoping the time would pass quicker.

Alissa took notice of that and quickly told her daughter to get off the phone. Hearing that, she rolled her eyes and placed her phone where it was previously.

Going to christopher, his situation was pretty similar to olivia's. So he decided, he didn't know if it was the right choice, to leave the adults conversing with each other and go upstairs.

"Uh- excuse me," he excused himself and stood up from his seat. "Excuse you where do you think you are going?" His mother scolded him. "Just upstairs-"

"Take olivia with you. She's clearly bored just like you are," her son started to protest but defeat found him. "fine," he mumbled as he and olivia went upstairs.

As they reached his room, olivia let out a huge breath. "Thank god, i was completely and utterly bored," she said as she took a sit on his bed. Copying her actions, he took a seat besides her and complete silence met both of them.

"So-" christopher tried to think a topic to start a conversation with the girl next to him but nothing came in mind.

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