1 Finding out

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BTS had been together for years, and their bond was unbreakable. They had been through so much together, but there was something that Jungkook had been hiding from them - something that could potentially change everything.

Jungkook was an Omega, and he had been hiding it from his Alpha hyungs for years. It wasn't easy, especially when he craved their touch and affection. But he couldn't risk being seen as weak or vulnerable, not when he was surrounded by such strong Alphas.

Despite his efforts to hide his true nature, there were times when Jungkook slipped up. Like the time when he accidentally forgot to reapply his scent blocker before a long day of rehearsals, and Yoongi picked up on his strawberry scent immediately. Or the time when he cried during a sad movie and Taehyung noticed the distinct Omega smell coming off of him.

Jungkook tried his best to act like an Alpha, but it was difficult when he craved the touch and affection of his Alpha hyungs. He loved to hug, kiss, and cuddle, which were all typical Omega behaviors. He also cried easily and sought comfort from his hyungs, especially when he was feeling vulnerable or scared.

The other members of BTS had always been tough on each other, pushing themselves to be the very best. But when it came to Jungkook, they were surprisingly protective. They treated him like their precious little angel, always making sure that he was taken care of and loved.

Jungkook loved to sleep in their shared bed, cuddled up with all of the members. He felt safe and loved in their embrace, and he couldn't imagine a life without them.

The other members had started to become suspicious of Jungkook's behavior, but they couldn't figure out what he was hiding. They tried to confront him about it, but he always brushed them off.

It wasn't until one day during dance practice that everything changed Jungkook's worst fears were realized. 

Namjoon, the leader of the group and one of the strongest Alphas, had been getting frustrated with Jungkook's performance. Without thinking, he used his Alpha voice to scold him.

Jungkook immediately started shaking, his Omega instincts taking over. It was then that they smelled the distressed scent coming off of him.

His scent blockers failed him, and his hyungs could smell the distinct scent of an Omega on him. Jungkook's heart raced as he saw their expressions change from confusion to realization. 

He tried to run, to escape the judgment and rejection that he knew was coming. He made it to the bathroom, where he broke down in tears, trying to muffle his sobs with his hands. He quickly took some scent blockers out of his pocket and reapplied them until his skin was burning. 

Then he washed his face by the sink and went back to the practice room, ignoring his hyungs' attempts to talk to him.As he left the practice room, he could feel their eyes following him, but he didn't care. He needed to get out of there. So, he grabbed his stuff and walked outside to his car.

Jin tried to stop him by grabbing his hand, but he just shrugged him off.Jungkook knew that it was only a matter of time before his hyungs confronted him about his Omega status. He had been living a lie for so long, and now it was all coming crashing down around him. 

Tears kept falling from his eyes as he drove to their shared home, his mind racing with horrible thoughts of what was to come.Once he arrived, he packed his bags, intending to leave home. But he didn't know where to go. Suddenly, the front door opened, and in front of him stood all his hyungs. Jin, Hoseok, Suga, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin.

Jungkook looked at them with fear in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel scared, his mind racing with all the worst-case scenarios.His hyungs looked really angry, and he couldn't help but feel like he had deceived them for so long. 

Ever since he presented as an Omega at the age of 15, he had decided to pretend to be an Alpha to stay in the group. He kept his eyes to the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead.But then Hoseok spoke, breaking the silence. "Look at us," he said, his voice soft but firm. 

Trembling, Jungkook looked up at the people he had been together with for the last 10 years. Jimin laid a comforting hand on his thigh and looked at him with comforting eyes. "Do you want to sit on my lap?" he asked.Jungkook couldn't help himself and nodded with teary eyes. 

If he was going to die, then he was at least getting some comfort before. He snuggled himself close to Jimin's chest while straddling his lap. He sniffed Jimin's comforting chocolate scent and tried to relax.It was then that Namjoon spoke. 

"As the leader of this group and this pack, I want to ask why you hid your true nature from us," he said in his deep voice. Jungkook couldn't help but flinch, but Jimin quickly reassured him. "Shh your alright nothings going to happen to you, ''said Jimin while wispering in his ear. ''Don't scare him Namjoon, said Hoesok from across the room.

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart as he prepared to tell his hyungs the truth. "I'm sorry. I never meant to lie to you all. I was just scared," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Scared of what?" asked Jin, concern etched on his face.

"I was scared that you all would treat me differently if you knew I was an Omega," Jungkook admitted, feeling ashamed.

"Why would we treat you differently?" asked Taehyung, confusion evident in his tone.

Jungkook shrugged. "I don't know. I just...I didn't want things to change between us. I didn't want to risk losing the friendships we have."

Hoseok walked over to Jungkook and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jungkook, you could never lose our friendship. We care about you too much for that to happen," he said, his voice soft.

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "We're a pack, Jungkook. We're supposed to support and protect each other, no matter what. You don't have to hide anything from us."

Jungkook nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I know, but I was still scared. I thought you guys would think less of me or something."

"You're still the same Jungkook we've always known and loved," Jin said, placing a hand on Jungkook's back. "Nothing can change that."

"But you do realize that scent blockers can only work for so long, right?" Namjoon asked. "Eventually, we were going to find out."

"I know," Jungkook sighed. "I just didn't know how to tell you guys."

Jungkook sniffled, feeling overwhelmed by the love and support his hyungs were showing him. "I'm sorry. I know I should have told you all sooner. I just didn't know how to."

"It's okay, Jungkook. We understand," said Suga, giving him a reassuring smile.

Jimin hugged Jungkook tightly, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "We love you, Jungkook. Don't ever think that we don't," he whispered.

Jungkook felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realized that his hyungs weren't going to kick him out of the group or treat him differently because of his Omega status. He buried his face in Jimin's chest and cried tears of relief and gratitude.

After a few minutes, Jungkook calmed down and looked up at his hyungs. "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you all," he said, feeling grateful for the amazing people he had in his life.

"We're always here for you, Jungkook," said Jin, giving him a warm smile.

"Always," echoed Taehyung, grinning.

"Let's all get some rest now. We have a busy schedule tomorrow," said Namjoon, leading the way to their bedrooms.

Jungkook followed his hyungs, feeling grateful for their love and acceptance. He knew that he had a lot to learn about his true nature as an Omega, but he was glad that he didn't have to do it alone. With his pack by his side, he knew that he could face anything that came his way.

As they all settled into their bedrooms, Jungkook snuggled into his blankets, feeling content and safe. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling grateful for the love and acceptance he had found in his hyungs.

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