6 Hospital and old Memories

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As Jungkook continued to recover in the hospital, BTS became even more protective of him. They took shifts staying by his side, never wanting to leave him alone again.

It was during this time that they began to notice just how much Jungkook had been hiding his omega status. He was always careful to appear alpha in public, but now that he was in the hospital, his scent was starting to shift, revealing the truth.

The other members couldn't help but feel guilty for not noticing sooner. They had all been so focused on their own alpha instincts that they hadn't even considered that Jungkook might be hiding something.

But now that they knew the truth, they were even more determined to protect him. They made sure that no one entered the hospital room without permission, and they were always on high alert.

As Jungkook grew stronger, they started to investigate who could have been behind the kidnapping. They poured over security footage, looking for any clues they could find. But the more they looked, the more confused they became.

There was no obvious motive, no one who had reason to target Jungkook specifically. It was as if someone had just chosen him at random.

The mystery only added to their anxiety. They couldn't help but wonder if it would happen again, if someone would come after Jungkook once more.

But they refused to let that fear control them. Instead, they focused on making Jungkook feel loved and protected. They held him close, showered him with affection, and made sure he knew that he was never alone.

It was during this time that Jungkook and the rest of BTS became even closer. Their bond had always been strong, but now it was unbreakable. They were a family, and they would do anything to protect each other.

As Jungkook was discharged from the hospital, they made sure that he had everything he needed. They hired a personal bodyguard for him, someone who they trusted implicitly.

But even with all their precautions, they knew that they couldn't control everything. They had no idea who had kidnapped Jungkook, or why. And that uncertainty was almost as terrifying as the incident itself.

After Jungkook was discharged from the hospital, he tried his best to resume his normal life with BTS. But there was a new air of tension and caution amongst them. They had no idea who had tried to hurt Jungkook, and they were constantly on the lookout for any signs of danger.

Jungkook was grateful for their protectiveness, but he also longed for the carefree days before the incident. He hated feeling like he was constantly in danger, and he knew that his hyungs felt the same way.

But they refused to let fear control them. Instead, they threw themselves even more into their work. They wrote new songs, practiced their choreography, and planned for their upcoming tour.

On a random wendesday while Jungkook was busy writing a song his eyes traveld to a picture of him and Jimin from way back. He rememberd when he first fell in love with his hyung. 

Bts where extremly busy with work back then since they were debuting soon. And in the midst of all the chaos, something unexpected began to happen. Jungkook started to realize that he had feelings for one of his hyungs - someone he had never considered in that way before.

It was Jimin. Jungkook had always admired him, but he had never imagined that he could feel something deeper.

But as he spent more time with Jimin, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt. He loved the way Jimin's scent made him feel safe and secure, and he found himself constantly wanting to be near him.

It was a confusing and overwhelming feeling, and Jungkook didn't know what to do with it. 

But he couldn't ignore his feelings. And as they continued to work together, Jimin started to pick up on the subtle changes in Jungkook's scent.

He knew that something was different, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to Jungkook in a way that he had never experienced before. He was hesitant to act on his feelings, knowing how complicated it could be, but he also couldn't ignore the way his heart was pounding in his chest.

As they prepared for their tour, the tension between them grew. They were constantly stealing glances at each other, their touches becoming more lingering and intimate.

It was a secret they both kept close to their hearts, not wanting to risk their friendship or the stability of the group. But they also knew that they couldn't keep it hidden forever.

And as they took the stage for their first concert, the energy between them was electric. They couldn't help but feel drawn to each other, and their fans could sense the change in their dynamic.

It was a risky move, but they both knew that they couldn't deny their feelings any longer. 

While Jungkook had developed romantic feelings for Jimin, he was unaware that the other members of BTS had also started to develop similar feelings for him. It was a gradual realization for each of them, but eventually, they all knew that they were in love with Jungkook.

Namjoon was the first to realize his feelings, as he had always felt drawn to Jungkook's strong, determined personality. He loved the way that Jungkook never gave up, even when things were tough, and the way that he always put the group first.

Next was Jin, who was initially drawn to Jungkook's cute and youthful demeanor. But as he got to know him better, he realized that there was so much more to him than just his adorable exterior. He loved the way that Jungkook was so driven and passionate, and the way that he always pushed himself to be the best.

Yoongi had always admired Jungkook's talent and work ethic, but it wasn't until they spent more time together that he realized how much he had come to care for him. He loved the way that Jungkook always knew how to make him laugh, and the way that he was always there for him when he needed support.

Hoseok was initially drawn to Jungkook's energy and enthusiasm, but it wasn't until they started spending more time together that he realized how much he had come to care for him. He loved the way that Jungkook was always pushing himself to be better, and the way that he never let setbacks get him down.

Taehyung had always been close to Jungkook, and he knew that he cared for him deeply. But it wasn't until they started spending more time together, just the two of them, that he realized that his feelings for Jungkook had deepened into something more. He loved the way that Jungkook was so passionate about his work, and the way that he always knew how to make him smile.

And so, each member of BTS found themselves falling deeper in love with Jungkook. It was a realization that they had all come to separately, but when they finally shared their feelings with each other, they knew that they all felt the same way.

It was a decision that they didn't take lightly, knowing how complicated it could be to date someone who was both their teammate and their friend. But they also knew that they couldn't deny their feelings any longer, and they wanted to be honest with Jungkook about how they felt.

And when they finally told him, they were relieved to find that he felt the same way. It was a love story that defied all expectations, a bond that transcended their status as omega and alpha.

And as they embarked on their new journey together, they knew that they could face anything that came their way. They were BTS, a family that had been through so much together, and they knew that their love for each other would only make them stronger.

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